The INN: International Neighborhood Network

The International Neighborhood Network (The INN) worker desires that the hope of Jesus will transform communities among all peoples, starting with the nations in our backyard. Our joy is to create and implement new approaches to love and serve our neighbors through media, ESL classes, cross-cultural coaching, tutoring, job placement, parenting, and so much more.
We use diverse ministry methods based on the felt needs of the community and holistic, incarnational approaches that increase trust and allow us to share our faith effectively. Our desire is that everything we do would lead to multiplying disciples of Jesus Christ!

Fulfilling the Great Commission has traditionally meant living in another country and learning a new language and culture to develop relationships for sharing the gospel. Today the nations are coming to our doorstep.
There are countless opportunities for workers in the US to love and serve our new neighbors from many unreached people groups around the world. What is needed are open eyes, a servant heart, and the courage to engage with people who at first seem very different.
Explore your fit with The INN (International Neighborhood Network) to discover how you can use your skills, gifts, and abilities to serve those coming to the US who have yet to hear the good news of Jesus.
Workers are needed in every INN site –South Florida, Savannah, Houston, Metro Philadelphia, Lancaster, PA, Central PA, Phoenix, and Columbus, OH.

Are you passionate about sharing your love for Jesus and using your spiritual gifts as part of a team serving unreached people groups?
We are looking for workers with strong interpersonal skills and a desire to share Christ in response to the work of grace in their own life. Imagine serving among refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants who have never had a conversation with a Christian.
Join The INN (International Neighborhood Network) and use your skills, education, and spiritual gifts to create ministry opportunities to serve the nations among us! Formal Bible training and an exposure to missiological principles is helpful, but not required.
- Mature Christian: People who love God, love people, and can maintain spiritual disciplines as they work with people resistant to the gospel
- Evangelism and Discipleship: Desire to share the gospel and disciple people from different world views, religions, and backgrounds
- Church Planting and Multiplication: Desire to participate in implementing creative church planting and multiplication strategies
- Team Player: Good interpersonal, listening, and communication skills, as well as the ability to work collaboratively on a team and within a local network
- Learner: A willingness to be part of a learning community dedicated to growing their skills, gifts, and abilities in church planting and multiplication while serving in a diaspora community

- Outreach: Use your skills in ESL, administration, literacy, teaching, youth ministry, social work, the arts, building genuine friendships, and holistic ministry to help our friends adapt to life in the US. Come and share the love of Christ in word and deed as you build relationships with our new neighbors!
- Evangelism and Discipleship: Journey with your contacts through dynamic spiritual conversations, sharing the truths of scripture, and discipling them into an intentional, growing relationship with Christ
- Church planting: Be part of a team that desires to plant reproducing house churches in the local diaspora community
- Community Service: Serve local diaspora along with the team and local network through meeting felt needs and building genuine relationships