Oral Bible Storying-Cameroon

In order to fulfill our mission to spread the gospel, we find that many people groups are oral-based societies and are thus more able to understand and respond to a spoken presentation of the Bible in their heart language. Stories are easy for nationals to learn and share orally and often incorporate drama, songs, and visual arts.

This role will join a Kwakum church planting team utilizing Oral Bible Storying in Cameroon. You will share the gospel and help people learn to study and grow in faith as they hear the Scripture and learn biblical truths.

- Training in Oral Bible Storying
- Artistic talent such as music or dance would be helpful
- Strong verbal communication skills

- Develop proficiency in the local language and learn the cultural norms
- Explore Kwakum storying techniques before beginning Oral Bible Storying
- Invite local people to learn Oral Bible Storying
- Teach Kwakum people Oral Bible Storying; rehearse the stories with them, then accompany them as they go to new locations, helping them to retell the stories accurately. Continue to train and mentor local people in this way so they can go out on their own