Ethno-arts Specialist-Cameroon

The Ethno-Arts Specialist will live among and serve the Baka people of Cameroon with a team of church planters. They will use their skills to facilitate the sharing of the gospel through local art forms such as music, drama, visual arts, and dance.

This role will work with local artists to facilitate improved literacy in the local language and to develop a deeper understanding of the culture. The Ethno-Arts Specialist will create, use, and integrate various ethnic art forms to support the sharing and retention of Bible stories, thus providing an invaluable contribution to the church planting team.

- Giftedness in the Arts
- Training in World Arts
- A solid commitment to the spiritual disciplines (i.e., Bible reading, prayer, etc.)

- Live among the people, learning their language and culture before beginning formal ministry
- Analyze local art forms
- Work with nationals to produce art forms that will be effective vehicles to transmit biblical truth