Central Asia

The Central Asia team’s goal in ministry is to spread the gospel among the Turkic-language-speaking local indigenous people groups.
Reaching out to and caring for Central Asians simply begins by befriending them. Ministry starts in the missionary’s own neighborhood, where trust is built, and relationships are deepened with the hope and aim of proclaiming the love of Christ.
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Despite some concentrated effort to see healthy local churches established in the last 30 years, Central Asia remains one of the most unreached parts of the world. When people do come to faith, cities end up being a gravitational force, which leaves a vacuum of gospel witness in rural regions. Understanding this challenge, World Team is establishing a business as an entry point to promote meaningful interaction with locals. The business will also create an opportunity to provide jobs that offer financial stability and grow relationships with the employees. Most importantly, this business will create a way to see the gospel lived out through the World Team workers as they share the love of Jesus daily.
God is working. We need more workers to help evangelize and disciple these people groups. This is an essential part of ministry because few have seen someone older finish the Christian life well.