
Cameroon is located on the coast of west-central Africa and is home to nearly 30 million people. Slightly larger in area than the state of California, Cameroon has seen tremendous gospel growth in recent years, but there are still many unreached people groups in the country. More than one-third of the population practice Islam or various ethnic religions.
One team in Cameroon has been working among the Baka for over 20 years. There is finally a fledgling community of believers and emerging leadership. However, the church still needs strengthening, training in practical skills, and God’s Word translated to go to the next level of discipleship and leadership development.
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RFIS (Rain Forest International School) Teachers and Staff
Ministry Profiles:
The team is growing. New workers have joined World Team to begin Bible translation work, do literacy work, and expand the agriculture training work among the Baka. Functioning together in Christ, the team is seeing God at work. Slowly and steadily, Baka believers are maturing and multiplying.
The Cameroon field has identified two new unreached people groups we would like to reach with the gospel. Church-planters, translators, linguists, and support workers, are needed to reach them. In addition, we need more people to serve among the Muslim-background Fulbe people where ministry has begun, but only one remaining worker at this time. We need people to help equip the Fulbe believers to reach and train their own people in various aspects of evangelism, discipleship, women’s ministry, etc.