Spain – Evangelism and Discipleship

The Evangelism and Discipleship worker, trusting God for the results, will spread the gospel and evangelize in Spain. They will work to disciple believers to maturity in Christ and will also mobilize believers who wish to pursue missions.

This position will work with a holistic church planting team to see the gospel established in unengaged and under-reached communities in Spain. They will evangelize, make disciples within an identified community, and work with the local people to establish a healthy, self-sustaining, and multiplying church with indigenous church leadership.

The Evangelism and Discipleship worker must have a mature walk with the Lord, continually seeking to abide in Christ and grow in godliness. They will engage in evangelizing and making disciples within their current context. Strong interpersonal and communication skills, an interest in reaching unreached people groups, and a genuine love for the lost are necessary.
The ideal candidate possesses:
- Christian Maturity: Humility and a mature Christian walk, with the ability to be highly relational.
- Theological Knowledge and Experience: Biblical and theological training (formal or informal) with the ability to interpret and communicate Scripture clearly.
- Language Learning: Will work on proficiency in the local language.
- Discernment and Boldness: The ability to discern between cultural norms and biblical truths and to address problematic theology in a culturally aware manner.
- Evangelism and Discipleship Experience: At least 1-2 years’ experience in evangelism and discipleship, with the capacity to equip and support others in their calling to evangelize and disciple others.

The Evangelism & Discipleship worker will collaborate with a church planting team to provide mutual encouragement and accountability. They will:
- Live among an unreached people group, learning their language and culture.
- Establish and maintain local relationships. Get involved in people’s lives.
- Share the gospel in culturally contextualized ways in one-to-one interactions or small group settings.
- Make disciples that make disciples.
- Identify disciples and connect them to other believers and a local church, where possible, facilitating or creating opportunities as needed.
- Promote Biblical maturity and healthy Christian living.
- Assist in the church planting process.
- Train local, believing leadership in reproducible discipleship and evangelism methods.
- Become a proficient communicator in the local language to faithfully communicate the gospel.
- Other field or agency duties as assigned based on giftings and passions. Potential areas of service include:
- Mobilization: Communication and organizational skills to help mobilize new workers for cross-cultural ministry. Will serve as a liaison between field teams and World Team Sending Centers.
- Music and visual arts: Creative and innovative approaches to reach others for Christ. Music, drama, and the visual arts are instrumental in creating new channels for evangelism and discipleship. As part of a holistic church planting team in Spain, this role will use their creative gifts and artistic skills to share the gospel and build relationships.
- Technology: Tasks could include creating and maintaining websites, using mobile phones and radio for evangelism and training, and providing computer training and support to missionaries.
- Media/Communications: This role will use assorted media and communication tools, including, but not limited to, videography, photography, writing, and social media, to creatively illustrate and share stories of God’s work among the nations.