Moldova – Worship/Youth Director

International Christian Fellowship (ICF) is an international church in Chisinau, Moldova, reaching out to foreign workers and students in the capital. People from North America, Europe, India, Central Asia, and the Middle East attend ICF. There is a need for a Worship Director and University Minister to serve in ministry to students.

The Worship Director will lead worship during church services and manage multiple worship teams. The University Ministry role will engage and disciple university students from India and Central Asia.

The ideal candidate must have experience participating in or leading a worship team, be in good standing with their home church, and have a consistent history of working collaboratively with others in ministry. The position requires a desire and vision to see others grow in faith and ministry service and to identify those who are ready to serve.

- Able to coordinate Sunday worship
- To meet with students on a flexible schedule
- To participate in church activities throughout the week
- Meet regularly with the church Leadership team