God is at work in the world through the mass movement of people – people fleeing persecution, war, and starvation to lands of security and prosperity. The INN is made up of ordinary people who have been captured by Jesus’ love and long to share hope among communities where Christ is least known – many of which are living in diaspora communities across America.
Workers with The INN implement new approaches to loving and serving their neighbors through media, ESL classes, cross-cultural coaching, tutoring, job placement, parenting, and more. They long to see communities transformed by the gospel and churches planted and multiplied in the US and the homeland of the diaspora. Disciple-making and training are key to releasing leaders who can plant churches.
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Ministry Profiles:
The INN’s teams are based in eight cities across the United States and will expand to other cities in the coming years. The INN works with networks of local churches, organizations, and individuals. Through these partnerships, they coordinate effective evangelism and discipleship to nurture a church into existence.
Each team evaluates the best ministry practices for serving the needs of their community in collaboration with local efforts. The INN engages unreached people intentionally, strategically, and apostolically. Rooted in a commitment to share the gospel in word and deed – we desire to see lost people saved and participate in the body of Christ.