UK-Field Leader

World Team UK (WT-UK) is committed to reaching out to migrants. The Meeting Point (TMP) is a project of WT-UK in a culturally and ethnically diverse part of London. We are looking for a WT-UK Field Director. This role is vital in ensuring that WT-UK is reaching out mainly to the migrant population and least-reached people groups in the UK, sharing the gospel, and discipling young people and adults within the local community to fulfill the vision of sharing the love of Jesus.

The Field Director will develop an initial plan and a strategy to expand the evangelistic work in the UK, including mobilizing more workers and developing a plan for (financial and spiritual) sustainability and alignment with the overall goal of Church Planting. He/she will oversee the development of a strategic plan for the overall field ministry and ensure that each team/missionary formulates clear ministry goals that integrate with the field strategic plan. The Field Director is responsible for providing direction and member care (in collaboration with the WT global member care team) and mobilizing and developing potential leaders.

This position requires a vibrant and dedicated spiritual life characterized by consistent practice of spiritual disciplines. The Field Director will need to have a solid understanding of the Scriptures and be able to teach and clearly communicate how the entire Bible, including the Old Testament, points to the person and work of Jesus Christ. Patience and dedication are necessary, as much as leadership skills and humility.
The ideal candidate would have a passion for Jesus, the local church and the wider community. He/she has a heart for youth, the migrant communities, the vulnerable and those on the margins, and is passionate about the transformation available through faith in Christ. The candidate must:
- be spiritually mature, exhibiting humility and godliness
- have demonstrated leadership skills
- be committed to servant leadership
- be respected by their peers and co-workers
PROFESSIONAL FORMATION (preferably one of the following):
- Theological education (e.g. BA or MA, evangelism, church planting, or equivalent)
- Social education (cultural studies, social work, or equivalent)
- Pedagogical education (teacher, coach, trainer, or equivalent)
SKILLS and EXPERIENCE (in descending order from essential to preferable):
- Self-starter/pioneer skills (and experience)
- Leadership skills
- Able to manage own time and proactively prioritize competing tasks in a timely fashion
- Passion to fulfil the vision of the Meeting Point
- Team player and flexible to adjust to ministry needs
- Ability to handle confidential information professionally and discreetly
- Evangelistic gift and formation (and/or experience) in outreach methods among migrants
- Experience in public speaking, Bible teaching (desirable)
- Polite and proficient communicator

The Field Director will collaborate with a team to prepare servant-leaders to establish and lead healthy, self-sustaining churches. He/she will:
- Live in a multicultural neighborhood
- Teach the Bible in formal and informal settings
- Evangelize and disciple the people
- Identify and equip native leaders to evangelize their people, who are primarily an unreached people group
- Train church leaders to disciple believers in a life-on-life manner
- Develop current and future church leaders with biblical and practical leadership skills
- Establish and lead a team of expats and local workers
- Collaborate with World Team Global