
The INN: Gathering the Scattered in Houston

Motivated by the Gospel, we work to pursue, serve, befriend, and bless the diaspora community. As we build genuine relationships we engage in spiritual conversation, introduce the scriptures, and disciple and equip new believers with the goal for forming worshiping communities in Houston.

We are looking for teammates who are interested in expanding their worldview while putting their experience, education, or ministry skills to work on a church planting team. Do you love sharing your faith with others and welcoming people from different countries and backgrounds? Does your compassion for people move you to action? Join our holistic church planting team and help refugees, people seeking asylum, and others coming to the US find joy and new life in Christ.

Join The INN and use your skills, education, and spiritual gifts to serve the nations among us! Formal Bible training and an exposure to missiological principles is helpful, but not required.

  • Mature Christian: Evidence Christ-like character with a humble spirit and a listening heart
  • Theological Training: Formal training is beneficial, but not required 
  • Knowledge: Youth ministry, discipleship, and education concepts and methods 
  • Administrative and Logistical Skills: Develop and coordinate ministry schedules, manage volunteer assignments, and supervise day-to-day activities of youth, etc.  
  • Training and Development: Effective communication skills to provide training for children and youth locally and in conjunction with the local team 
  • Experience: 3- 5 years’ experience or training in Youth Ministry
  • Outreach: Use your skills in ESL, the arts, literacy, teaching, and holistic ministry to build genuine relationship with our friends as they adapt to life in the US by sharing the love of Christ in word and deed
  • Evangelism and Discipleship: Journey with your contacts through dynamic spiritual conversations, sharing the truths of scripture, and discipling them into an intentional, growing relationship with Christ
  • Church planting: Be part of a team that desires to plant reproducing house churches in the local diaspora community
  • Community Service: Serve local diaspora along with the team and local network through meeting felt needs and building genuine relationships


Business Manager – Middle East

The Business Manager will utilize their professional skills to launch, manage, and grow a business in the Middle East. Through this endeavor, we hope to minister to the local community in Jesus’ name as we build relationships that lead to the achievement of our team goals to evangelize, disciple, and plant multiplying churches.

Our ultimate goal is to bring God glory through connecting with people in the marketplace and discipling them into a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ.

The Business Manager will launch and operate a business strategically placed in the Middle East to create relationships in the marketplace, provide local employment opportunities and revenue for local businesses, and to grow a sustainable, profitable business while blessing the community in Jesus’ name.

This role will provide direction and leadership for the business by overseeing employees (hiring, training, scheduling, and evaluating), maintaining company finances and financial systems, overseeing marketing and communications, and developing and maintaining a business network in the community. They will lead their employees in accordance with company goals and values.

A passion for reaching the lost is vital to this role. Cross-cultural experience is beneficial.
Ideal Business Manager competencies include: 

  • Mature Christian: Evidence Christ-like character and leadership competency, a humble spirit, and a listening heart are essential
  • Leadership: A heart for God that flows into their leadership style in managing the staff and engaging with the business network they will create
  • Evangelism and Discipleship: 12 months’ experience sharing the gospel with Muslims is preferred, along with discipleship experience
  • Business Experience: Education, training, and/or experience in business as it pertains to launching, managing, and growing a successful, sustainable, and transformational business
  • Communication: Strong marketplace and interpersonal communication and networking skills, coupled with effective problem-solving abilities

The Business Manager will live and serve in proximity to the Muslim community. Functions include:

  • Start-Up Tasks: Obtaining a business license, store front rental, researching business risks, setting up the budget/financial system or hiring an accountant (income, expenses, receipting, tax preparation, payroll, benefits, etc.), creating job descriptions, and hiring staff or occasional workers
  • Marketing: Create a marketing and communications strategy to build and maintain a client base
  • Business Plans: Establish 1-, 3-, and 5-year projections with plans to become a sustainable, profitable, and growing business
  • Staff Oversight: Including hiring, scheduling, resolving conflicts, creating a safe environment, providing annual evaluations, and offering training for staff growth and development
  • Networking: Establish and maintain contacts with local businesses
  • Relationship Building: Establish genuine relationships in the local community
  • Evangelism: Faithfully and consistently share the gospel in word and deed
  • Other duties as assigned


Marketplace Worker – Middle East

Marketplace Workers in the Middle East will strategically utilize their professional skills in the workplace and in the local community as they engage with other professionals and build relationships. The purpose of this role is to accomplish team objectives, including evangelism, discipleship, church planting, and multiplication.

Our desire is to bring glory to God by connecting with people through the marketplace, and then discipling them into life-changing relationships with Jesus Christ.

For Jesus to reach and rescue the world, he chose to live among us and to enter into daily life. Likewise, in order to impact and influence the world for Christ, we must gain access to the lives of those we hope to reach. We must go as he went, mix with those who do not know him yet, and share the gospel. Our intention is to gain access by integrating into local community life and in the marketplace.

A passion to reach the lost using professional marketplace skills and building workplace relationships is essential to this role. Cross-cultural experience is beneficial.

In addition to marketplace skills, the ideal Marketplace Worker competencies include: 

  • Mature Christian: Evidence of Christ-like character and leadership competency; a humble spirit and a listening heart are essential
  • A heart for God as well as a heart for Muslims
  • Evangelism and Discipleship: 12 months’ experience in sharing the gospel with Muslims is preferred, as well as experience with discipleship
  • Local language fluency would be beneficial
  • Ability to work full time in the marketplace while actively participating in church planting team activities

Marketplace workers live and serve in a Muslim community. This role will work on a team to provide mutual encouragement and accountability while maintaining a career in the workforce. This will include:

  • Integrity: Maintain a positive presence in the marketplace
  • Outreach: Utilize church planting and multiplication strategies to impact the Muslim community, including training and leading disciples to expand outreach efforts
  • Spiritual Progress: Track the spiritual progress of those you are serving
  • Relationship Building: Establish genuine, trusting relationships with Muslims in the local community and in the marketplace
  • Evangelism: Faithfully and consistently share the gospel in word and deed
  • Discipleship: Disciple and equip believers, releasing them to plant the church
  • Developing Leaders: Identify, train, and equip leaders for the local church, as well as those who will plant churches in neighboring communities


Sports Ministry – Paraguay

The position of Sports Ministry Worker will help facilitate the goal of planting multiplying churches among Muslim communities in Paraguay. Sports Ministry Workers will participate in and expand the work of the ministry by developing and supporting programs that focus on creating sports opportunities among children, youth, and young adults, while fostering deeper connections with family units.

Individuals will work in an alongside the team leader and will address two significant challenges to fulfilling WT’s purpose of …establishing reproducing churches focusing on the unreached peoples of the world.

  • Reaching the growing number of Muslim peoples in their assigned city/region and then expanding the work to neighboring cities/regions
  • Developing and releasing Muslim background believers to engage in church planting and multiplication

Workers will use soccer and fitness to share God’s love with the Muslim community in Ciudad del Este. This individual may coach, play soccer, train others, host camps, use coaching materials to help athletes grow personally, and share the gospel. We want to build relationships through soccer to see communities of believers form in Ciudad del Este.

Organizational, sports, and strong interpersonal skills are essential to this role. The ideal candidate has the capacity to work effectively with a wide variety of volunteers, networks, and workers. Cross-cultural experience is beneficial, along with a passion for reaching Muslims in Ciudad del Este.

Ideal Sports Ministry Worker competencies include: 

  • Mature Christian: Evidences Christ-like character with a humble spirit and a listening heart
  • Theological Training: Formal training is beneficial, but not required 
  • Knowledge: Sports ministry, discipleship, and education concepts and methods 
  • Administrative and Logistical Skills: Develop and coordinate ministry schedules, manage volunteer assignments, and supervise day-to-day sports activities, etc.  
  • Training and Development: Strong communication skills and ability to provide training for children and youth in conjunction with the local team  
  • Team Player:  Ability to work on a team with different cultures
  • Experience: 3- 5 years’ experience or training in Sports Ministry  

Sports Ministry Workers will provide oversight for children, youth, and young adult ministries: 

  • Plan, develop, and implement a balanced sports program for Elementary, Jr. and Sr. High students, and young adults
  • Personally invest in children and youth by spending quality time with them, loving them unconditionally as the gospel is shared in word and deed, mentoring, teaching, and discipling them, equipping them to grow spiritually, and guiding them toward a future of serving the Lord
  • Recruit and help train volunteers, ensuring adequate adult-to-youth ratios to effectively support the children, youth, and young adult ministries
  • Maintain records of youth participation and manage the sports ministry budget
  • Communicate with children, youth, and parents in a timely manner, using all available resources to foster mutual support with the families of the children served
  • Ensure that the Child Safeguarding Policies are observed in all children and youth ministry settings


Church Planter – Paraguay

Church planting is essential to the ministry of every World Team initiative. This role will work to evangelize, disciple, and nurture a church into existence that can multiply. As workers come alongside local believers, the hope is to expand the vision of churches and individuals in the local network for planting multiplying churches. Church Planters will be intricately involved in outreach, discipleship, and networking.

The church planter will work to see a healthy church established among Muslim peoples. They will focus on meeting felt needs, building genuine relationships, sharing the gospel in word and deed, discipleship, and developing and releasing leaders. All of this to the glory of God and the planting of the church.

A passion to reach the lost is vital to this role. Cross-cultural experience is beneficial.

Ideal Church Planter competencies include: 

  • Mature Christian: Evidence Christ-like character and leadership competency. A humble spirit and a listening heart are essential
  • Theological Training: Formal training is beneficial, but not required
  • Evangelism and Discipleship: 12 months of experience in sharing the gospel with a Muslim is preferred, along with past experience in discipleship
  • Training and Development: Strong facilitation skills to provide training for new believers and church leaders
  • Networking and Communication: Expand the local church network through vision casting, effective verbal and written communication, relationship building, training, and providing opportunities for others to serve. 

Church Planters will live and serve in proximity to the Muslim community. The church planter will work on a team to provide mutual encouragement and accountability. They will:

  • Outreach: Utilization of CPM strategies to impact the Muslim community; training and leading disciples and local volunteers to expand outreach efforts
  • Spiritual Progress:  Track the spiritual progress of the community  
  • Relationship Building:  Establish genuine local relationships with Muslims in the community
  • Evangelism:  Faithfully and consistently share the gospel in word and deed
  • Training:  Train, develop, and release disciples to plant the church
  • Developing Leaders: The goal is to develop leaders for the church or leaders who are equipped to be sent to plant churches in neighboring communities
  • Networking: Develop and expand a network of local churches and organizations to attract, train, and mobilize volunteers for ministry


See the Son

Opportunity Full – 2025 Details Coming Soon

Spain Prayer Week

This summer, our team in Spain will gather for a week to pause their regular activities and do an essential activity—prayer! Join them for an amazing week of learning about God’s work in Spain, meet some incredible servants of God (Spaniards and cross-cultural workers), and take spiritual needs to God in prayer.

Get a first-hand look at the various Gospel-centered ministries in Spain and join us in prayer. You will spend a couple of days with church planting teams in each of these three cities: Madrid, Cáceres, and Béjar. Work varies from helping the poor in Madrid to an English academy in Cáceres, to work with the elderly in Béjar, and much more.

You will hear about Spain’s religious history, tour the cities, taste the fabulous cuisine that Spain has to offer, and experience what God is doing to share His love with the people of Spain.

Dates in CountryTo Be Announced
Locations in SpainMadrid, Cáceres, Béjar
CostTo Be Announced


NGO Coordinator – Belgium


The NGO Coordinator role will work to maintain an NGO in Belgium, network within the community, provide jobs for local people, as well as provide the means for WT workers to live and work in Belgium. An NGO is essential for our team to gain and maintain visas to remain in Belgium.

Position Summary

This role will serve as the leader of an NGO that will allow the team to effectively gather and serve the local Muslim community. The NGO Coordinator will address three significant challenges to fulfilling WT’s purpose of …establishing reproducing churches focusing on the unreached peoples of the world.

  • Create and implement opportunities through the NGO that will allow for effective connection and outreach to the growing number of Moroccans in Brussels, Belgium and that will, in the future, provide expansion options for the NGO to work in neighboring cities or countries
  • Provide the means for mobilizing and equipping more WT workers for church planting and multiplication (CP&M)
  • Provide oversight and innovative management for the daily running of the NGO

This individual will join our church planting team working in Brussels and help develop a Cultural NGO that will meet the needs of the people they serve. This person must be flexible and responsive to the felt needs of the community. Being a learner themself, they will need to be able to converse on a variety of topics being taught within the center. This person will manage the NGO, work with nationals, volunteers, and the team.   

Qualifications and Skills

Organizational, administrative, and strong interpersonal skills are essential to this role. The ideal candidate has the capacity to work effectively with a wide variety of volunteers, networks, and workers. Cross-cultural experience is beneficial, along with a passion for reaching unreached Muslims.

The ideal candidate has:

  • A Christ-like character with a listening heart, and that demonstrates a gospel humble spirit
  • Excellent organizational skills, the ability to multitask and manage multiple processes
  • Ability to coordinate logistics, ministry schedules, and the organizational needs of the NGO
  • Ability to develop best practices and improve processes to help the NGO meet its goals
  • Proven financial, reporting, and tracking skills
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills
  • Formal theological training is beneficial, but not required
  • 3-5 years’ experience or training in an administrative role


  • Provide oversight of the day-to-day operations, staff, and volunteers, plan and organize work to be completed, communicate goals, and schedule/assign work with the goal of allowing the team to effectively connect and serve the Moroccan community
  • Ensure that all staff and volunteers are trained and informed and have the tools that they need to effectively carry out their assigned tasks  
  • Create and maintain required records and reports to maintain an NGO in Belgium
  • Create and provide financial oversight for the NGO budget, and development of project plans to enhance the NGO
  • Working with the team, help with the development of existing and new programs that increase the value of the NGO to the community, and therefore, increase the impact the NGO can have in helping to unite and gather the community
  • Handle technical issues in their area of expertise
  • Church planting and multiplication among Moroccans with the local team


RFIS Teachers and Staff

Rain Forest International School (RFIS) teachers and staff are responsible for educating Middle and High School students from Cameroon as well as children of missionaries from all over the world. This enables fellow missionaries to focus on their primary job roles, knowing that their children are receiving an excellent education. RFIS offers academic, social, athletic, and artistic programs in a Christian environment while helping students prepare for the next stage of life.

RFIS is located in Yaoundé, Cameroon, and is a grade 6-12 school. Founded in 1991 to provide an excellent academic program for the children of missionaries in this part of Africa, RFIS now serves missionary families from all over the world, as well as students from Cameroon.

We are looking for teachers and staff with a passion for transforming lives. Listed below are the current vacancies:

Urgent needs:

  • Director of Administration and Finance
  • Guidance Counselor
  • PE Teacher—Middle School and High School
  • History Teacher —High School subject areas of Geography, World History, and Upper-Level Social Studies
  • English Teacher—Middle School
  • Chaplain and Bible Teacher—Oversight of school chapel services and teaching Biblical Studies to High School students
  • Science Teacher—Middle School STEM and High School Biology/Chemistry/Physics

Other openings:

  • Art teacher
  • Music teacher
  • Librarian

RFIS teachers and staff must have a vibrant spiritual life characterized by consistent practice of spiritual disciplines. They will live in a cross-cultural environment, though their ministry will be primarily to English speakers in the Cameroonian capital of Yaoundé.

The ideal candidates have:

  • A Baccalaureate degree in a field related to teaching or in the specific area of expertise for non-teaching positions or equivalent experience
  • Two (2) years’ experience in teaching or in the specific area of expertise for non-teaching positions
  • Willingness to commit to a minimum of one school year

RFIS teachers and staff provide education and oversight for students based upon philosophy, policy, pedagogy, and practice in accord with the Word of God. They encourage students to appreciate each subject area and to apply the Word of God to their own lifelong learning.

Other responsibilities depend on the position. Please contact us for more details.


Pol Bible Translation Advisor – Cameroon

The Pol Church Planter will evangelize and disciple the Pol people of Cameroon toward Christian maturity, faithfully teaching the Bible in the Pol language. During this process, the Church Planter will identify and equip leaders from among discipled believers and will assist them as they establish and lead Pol churches.

The Church Planter will work to create and maintain gospel-driven relationships with the Pol people by living among them and learning their language and culture. This will lead to opportunities to evangelize the Pol, disciple new believers, and train Pol church leaders. The Pol are an unreached people group that primarily follows a traditional animistic religion. As such, this pioneering ministry among the Pol will require perseverance and commitment.

This position requires a vibrant and dedicated spiritual life characterized by consistent practice of spiritual disciplines. The Church Planter will need to have a solid understanding of the Scriptures and be able to teach and clearly communicate how the Old Testament points to the person and work of Jesus Christ. Patience and dedication are necessary, as the Church Planter must learn to communicate with the Pol faithfully and accurately in their native language.

The ideal candidate will have:

  • A Biblical Studies BA or equivalent experience
  • Five (5) years of church leadership experience (preferred)
  • Experience with evangelism and discipleship
  • Willingness to commit at least 10 years to the project
  • A solid commitment to the spiritual disciplines (i.e., Bible reading, prayer, etc.)
  • Proficiency in the Pol language

The Pol Church Planter will work with a team to prepare Pol servant leaders to establish and lead healthy, self-sustaining Pol churches. They will:

  • Live among the Pol people, learning their language and culture before beginning formal ministry
  • Teach the Bible in formal and informal settings
  • Evangelize and disciple the Pol people
  • Identify and equip discipled Pol leaders to evangelize the Pol people, who are primarily an unreached Muslim people group
  • Train Pol church leaders to disciple believers in a life-on-life manner
  • Equip current and future church leaders with biblical and practical leadership skills
  • Perform other field or agency duties as assigned


Pol Church Planter – Cameroon

Position Summary: 

The church planter will work to create and maintain gospel relationships with Pol men and women. To do this, they will need to move into the Pol community and learn their language and culture. This will lead to opportunities to evangelize the Pol, disciple new believers, and raise Pol church leaders. The Pol is an unreached group that primarily follows a traditional animistic religion. As such, ministry among the Pol is considered pioneering and will require an independent and perseverant spirit.


A Pol church planter must have a vibrant spiritual life characterized by consistent practice of the spiritual disciplines. They will need to have a solid understanding of the Scriptures and particularly how Old Testament stories lead to the person and work of Christ. Patience will also be necessary as it will take time and disciplined study to faithfully communicate to the Pol in their language.

The ideal candidate has the following:

  • A BA in biblical studies or equivalent experience.
  • Five (5) years of church leadership experience is preferred.
  • A wiliness to commit at least ten (10) years to the project.
  • A solid commitment to the spiritual disciplines (i.e., Bible reading, prayer, etc.).


The Pol church planter is directly accountable to the Cameroon Field Director.


The Pol church planter will work on a team to develop self-sustaining, Pol-led, healthy churches. They will:

  • Live among the Pol people, learning their language and culture before beginning formal ministry.
  • Teach the Bible in formal and informal settings.
  • Evangelize the unbelieving Pol people.
  • Disciple believers in a life-on-life manner.
  • Train up future church leaders.
  • Other field or agency duties as assigned.

Anticipated Outcomes:

The Pol church planter will be responsible for working toward the following:

  • Professional working proficiency in the Pol language.
  • Faithful evangelism in the Pol language leading to Pol people coming to know Jesus Christ as their Savior.
  • Bible teaching and discipleship in the Pol language leading to mature Pol believers forming themselves into Pol churches.
  • Leadership training for the new and discipled Pol believers leading to pastors, deacons, and other Pol church leaders both leading and planting their own churches.
