
South Asia – Church Planter

The Church-Planter role will engage unreached people groups in order to evangelize, disciple, and equip them to live in community, to follow and share Christ with others, and to spread the gospel.

  • The church planter will work to see a healthy local church established among a Muslim people group.
  • They will focus on building relationships, sharing the Good News, and investing in those they identify as faithful to do the same.

The ideal candidate will have a mature walk with the Lord where they continually seek to grow in godliness and to abide in Christ. They will also have:

  • A passion for reaching the lost is vital to this role
  • Formal Bible training is preferred but not required
  • Experience in evangelism and discipleship among Muslims is preferred
  • A desire to serve long-term as much of the work is still at the evangelism stage
  • The ideal candidate will keep their efforts and various relationships before the Father in prayer

The church planter will work on a team to provide mutual encouragement and accountability. They will engage in:

  • Language and Culture: Live among an unreached people group, learn about their culture, and become proficient in language before beginning formal ministry
  • Relationship Building:  Establish genuine relationships in the community
  • Evangelism:  Faithfully and consistently share the gospel in word and deed in the community
  • Discipleship:  Disciple believers into a mature and healthy relationship with Christ through teaching the Bible in formal and informal settings
  • Training: Train, develop, and release disciples to plant the church
  • Developing Leaders: Identify and equip leaders for the church and for planting churches in neighboring communities, training them to disciple new believers in a life-on-life manner
  • Spiritual Progress:  Track the spiritual progress of the community  
  • Networking: Develop and expand a network of local churches and organizations to attract, train, and mobilize volunteers for ministry


South Asia – TESOL Instructors

The English Teacher will serve an unreached people group through fun and effective English classes. As these learners become more proficient in the English language, they will also be better equipped to seek additional employment options. As the English Teacher shares their life, time, skills, and love with their students in practical ways, they will develop positive relationships that will lead to opportunities to share the gospel.

This role is designed for workers who desire to teach English, which may include informal English clubs or formal teaching assignments in a secular institution. Some assignments require internationally recognized certifications, while others may not. The students will gain valuable skills, and the English Teacher will have a natural bridge for building relationships and sharing the gospel.

The English Teacher will use their skills, education, and spiritual gifts to serve the community. Formal Bible training and an exposure to missiological principles is helpful, but not required. The ideal candidate will have:

  • Training: People with formal or informal training/experience in teaching English
  • Understanding of Culture and Worldview: Ability to be patient and display cultural awareness and sensitivity
  • Christian Maturity: Evidence Christ-like character and leadership competency; a humble spirit and a listening heart are essential; maintaining spiritual disciplines as they work with people resistant to the gospel
  • Evangelistic Outreach: The desire to participate in the implementation of creative church-planting and multiplication strategies
  • A Collaborative Style: A team player with good interpersonal, listening, and communication skills, as well as the ability to work cooperatively on a team and within a local networ

This role requires:

  • Organization: Planning and organizing lessons that meet the team criteria and the needs of the learners
  • Dedication: Provision of instruction that is consistent, coordinated, and engaging
  • Creativity: Using a variety of teaching techniques and strategies to help learners develop their language skills in a supportive and positive learning environment
  • Communication: Evaluating and assessing learners’ progress and providing feedback
  • Evangelism and Discipleship: Building genuine friendships that welcome people through dynamic spiritual conversations, sharing the truths of scripture, and discipling believers into an intentional, growing relationship with Christ
  • Church Planting and Expansion: Participate in a holistic, church-planting team that desires to plant reproducing house churches in the local community


South Asia – Community Development

Use your skills and experience in community development to make a positive impact on the spiritual and economic life of individuals and communities in South Asia. Our approach to church planting is holistic, addressing the expressed needs of the people we serve while sharing Christ and developing contextually appropriate solutions.

Beginning as a student and a listener who is able to discern and develop contextually appropriate solutions, the Community Development professional will help communities discover ways to develop options and/or networks to sustain themselves and their daily needs.

  • Professional Training: a degree/training in entrepreneurship and/or community development would be helpful
  • Understanding of Culture and Worldview: Ability to be patient and display cultural awareness and sensitivity
  • Christian Maturity: Evidence Christ-like character and leadership competency; a humble spirit and a listening heart are essential; maintaining spiritual disciplines as they work with people resistant to the gospel
  • Evangelistic Outreach: The desire to participate in the implementation of creative church-planting and multiplication strategies
  • Collaborative Style: A team player with good interpersonal, listening, and communication skills, as well as the ability to work cooperatively on a team and within a local network
  • Proficiency: Become adept in the local language and learn the local culture
  • Analyze: Study the economic system in which the people live and help determine direction for community development projects
  • Brainstorm: Develop ideas for economic or community stimulation with local people
  • Organization: Planning and organizing lessons that meet the team criteria and the needs of the learners
  • Creativity: Using a variety of techniques and strategies to help communities address felt needs 
  • Evangelism and Discipleship: Building genuine friendships that welcome people through dynamic spiritual conversations, sharing the truths of scripture, and discipling believers into an intentional, growing relationship with Christ
  • Church Planting and Expansion: Participate in a holistic, church-planting team that desires to plant reproducing house churches in the local community


South Asia – Training and Education

Are you interested in forming discipleship relationships through educational interactions? We are looking for teachers/professionals who understand how people learn in different cultures. Help individuals create better lives for themselves, their families, and their communities through education.

Opportunities exist in the areas of literacy, computers, and TESOL. Come join our holistic church planting team and see God transform lives among Muslims in South Asia.

The role includes developing tools to help meet the educational needs of the people you serve. Workers will need to be flexible and responsive to the felt needs within the community and be learners themselves, willing to research new training and educational opportunities.

As part of a holistic church planting team, the Leadership Developer will live among and learn the language and culture of an unreached people group in South Asia. They will engage and encourage national leaders, sharing personal successes and failures as they equip them to evangelize and disciple believers and to spread the gospel.

Ideal candidates for this position have a missionary mindset, can adopt new ideas, are willing to take risks, and will use critical thinking skills to evaluate missiological and innovative strategies. They will have:

  • Formal Biblical Studies or equivalent experience
  • Three to five years of church/ministry leadership experience (preferred)
  • Experience with evangelism and discipleship
  • A solid commitment to the spiritual disciplines (i.e., Bible reading, prayer, etc.)
  • Willingness to learn how to speak and communicate fluently in the local language

The Training and Education worker will collaborate with a team to provide mutual encouragement and accountability. They will:

  • Establish and maintain positive, local relationships.
  • Discover the educational or training opportunities that will best serve the community. Create an informed plan and implement the strategy with the goal of assisting the church planting process. 
  • Share the gospel in culturally contextualized ways.
  • Make disciples that make disciples.
  • Network and collaborate with other trainers and educators in the community to discover better ways to serve the community 


South Asia – Leadership and Administration

 Are you a mature Christian with strong leadership and interpersonal skills? Do you have a desire to share Christ in response to the work of grace in your own life? We are looking for a leader who will help mobilize and then oversee a team of workers for a new Muslim ministry in South Asia.

As a leader, you will engage in the beginning stages of developing a new ministry. This role needs a wise, humble, experienced, disciplined, and intentional learner who can lead a new church planting initiative.

The Leadership and Administration position requires the following:

  • Team Building: Good interpersonal, listening, shepherding, coaching, and evaluating skills
  • Team Training: Strong facilitation skills to provide training for their local team in conjunction with the Resource Director
  • Mature Christian: Evidence of Christ-like character and leadership competency. A humble spirit and a listening heart are essential
  • Theological Training: Formal training is beneficial but not required
  • Evangelism and Discipleship: Passion for proclaiming the gospel and discipling others toward maturity in their faith, as well as a history of working with Muslims, is beneficial
  • Training and Development: Strong facilitation skills to provide training for new believers and church leaders
  • Networking and Communication: Ability to expand the local Christian network through vision casting, effective verbal and written communication, relationship building, training, and providing opportunities for others to serve 

Team leaders will provide on-the-ground direction, instruction, and oversight for:

  • World Team Workers: Shepherding, team building and evaluation, admin., logistics, planning, and other duties to lead a team
  • Communication: Grow the local network through vision casting, verbal and written communication, relationship building, training, and providing opportunities to serve together
  • Ministry: Create church planting and multiplication strategies and manage the flow of day-to-day ministry
  • Planning: Develop and implement an annual ministry plan and budget
  • Mobilizing: Implement a mobilization strategy to mobilize workers for the team
  • Administrative and Logistical Support: Help coordinate training schedule, hold team meetings, provide written reports, communicate with donors and Mission leaders, handle team finances, and other duties as assigned
  • Network: Serve as a liaison between World Team and partnering entities
  • Team Evaluation: Perform annual evaluations for their local team


South Asia – Evangelism and Discipleship

Cultivate your passion for evangelism and making disciples! Share your love for Jesus and your spiritual gifts as part of a church planting team among Muslim people groups with little or no knowledge of the gospel. Learning the language and culture is a vital part of this ministry. We are looking for mature, well-grounded Christians with strong interpersonal skills and a desire to share Christ with others.

Our ultimate goal is to bring God glory through connecting with people and discipling them into a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ.

The Evangelism and Discipleship role is to see a healthy church established among Muslim peoples. They will focus on meeting felt needs that lead to building genuine relationships and sharing the gospel in word and deed.

Believers will be discipled with the goal of developing and releasing leaders who are equipped to lead the local church. All of this to the glory of God and the planting of the church. Learning the language and culture is a vital part of this ministry. We are looking for mature Christians with strong interpersonal skills.

Be part of a team that enjoys sharing their faith and testifying of God’s goodness in their everyday lives. Help others grow through one-on-one interactions or in small group settings.

A passion for reaching the lost is vital to this role. Cross-cultural experience is beneficial. Ideal worker competencies include: 

  • Mature Christian: Evidence of Christ-like character. A humble spirit and a listening heart are essential.
  • Theological Training: Formal training is beneficial but not required.
  • Evangelism and Discipleship: Passion for proclaiming the gospel and discipling others toward maturity in their faith, as well as a history of working with Muslims, is beneficial.
  • Training and Development: Strong facilitation skills to provide training for new believers and church leaders.
  • Networking and Communication: Expand the local church network through vision casting, effective verbal and written communication, relationship building, training, and providing opportunities for others to serve. 

Church Planters will live and serve in proximity to the Muslim community. The church planter will work on a team to provide mutual encouragement and accountability. They will be involved in:

  • Outreach: Utilization of church planting and multiplication strategies to impact the Muslim community; training and leading disciples and local volunteers to expand outreach efforts
  • Spiritual Progress:  Track the spiritual progress of the community  
  • Relationship Building:  Establish genuine local relationships with Muslims in the community
  • Evangelism:  Faithfully and consistently share the gospel in word and deed
  • Training:  Train, develop, and release disciples to plant the church
  • Developing Leaders: The goal is to develop leaders for the church or leaders who are equipped to be sent to plant churches in neighboring communities
  • Networking: Develop and expand a network of local churches and organizations to attract, train, and mobilize volunteers for ministry

Are you interested in serving where there is no church? Has God instilled a passion in you to share the gospel, disciple new believers, and see churches planted and multiplied? We are expanding our ministry into neighboring cities and are looking for people God has led to Muslim ministry. 

Learning the language and culture is a vital part of this ministry. We are looking for mature Christians with strong interpersonal skills. Come be part of a team that enjoys sharing their faith and testifying of God’s goodness in their everyday lives. Help others grow through one-on-one interactions or in small group settings.


International School Opportunities

Each of our partner schools requires its personnel to be affiliated with a sending agency. If you are interested in applying for a position with any of our partner schools, World Team stands ready to help coach you through the process and assist in your placement.

Rainforest International School

RFIS provides Christ-centered education for 7th through 12th-grade students in Yaounde, Cameroon. They desire to flourish as an international school as they empower students for a life of global impact and engagement. RFIS averages 100 students each year and caters to expatriates, missionaries, and nationals. Click here to learn about current openings

Hillcrest School

Located in Sentani, Papua, the mission of Hillcrest School is to provide the children of Christian missionaries and other workers with a Biblically-based education, which will enable them to be successful in life. Hillcrest School is sponsored by various Christian organizations working in Papua, Indonesia. Current enrollment is 140 students in grades Pre-1st to 12th. Click here to learn about current openings

The Greenhouse

The Greenhouse is an excellent educational cooperative whose goal is to provide education for ages Preschool through 6th grade in a classroom setting. The purpose of The Greenhouse is to provide unique group experiences, curriculum, and resources for missionary families as they serve in Cameroon. The Greenhouse serves over 50 students each year. Click here to learn about current openings

Faith Academy

Faith Academy’s goals are to offer rich opportunities for learning and growth inside and outside the classroom. Faith Academy, located in Cainta, Rizal, Philippines, trains students to think biblically about every aspect of life, instills a sense of honor and respect for people of all cultural backgrounds and disciples, and empowers students to impact the world around them for the Gospel. Click here to learn about current openings

Evangelical Christian Academy

Evangelical Christian Academy, in Camarma de Esteruelas, Spain, is an international Christian school offering quality education from 1st through 12th grade for students of Christian workers as well as international and national students. ECA exists to serve families by equipping students in the academic disciplines, challenging them to love God, apply His truth, and care for others. Click here to learn about current openings

Interested In Applying?

When you are ready to take the next step, fill out our Get Started form, and one of our experienced Mission Coaches will get in touch with you! 


International School Teacher–China

International schoolteachers will teach in a Third Culture Kid centric academy in China. They will work with a group of foreign teachers to provide high quality education to the children of missionary families, as well as some local families with foreign passports. The establishment of this academy will allow missionary families with children to have essential educational support needed for them to stay and continue to evangelize the minority unreached people groups.

We are looking for:

  • One high school social science teacher (includes history, geography, world civilizations, and global issues
  • One high school science teacher (includes biology, chemistry, physics, and general science)

The classes will be conducted in English. For incoming teachers interested in learning Chinese, the academy’s teachers and staff are equipped to provide such a service. The school will also be able to process dependent children visas.

  • Two-year commitment
  • University degree (not necessarily in the same field as classes needed to be taught)
  • Preferably two years of teaching experience. Experience with second language learners is a plus

The teacher will collaborate with a team of likeminded educators and missionary staff to provide high quality education to missionary kids. They will:The language student will collaborate with a team to help plant a church. They will:

  • Teach classes in various subjects based on need
  • Live among the unreached people group, learning their language and culture
  • Work with a holistic, long-term church-planting team to create and maintain gospel-driven relationships with minority people and local individuals outside the academy
  • Evangelize and disciple unreached people


Medical Professional–Central Asia

The Medical Professional will be trained, licensed, and experienced in their specialized field. This role will work with a holistic, church-planting team to meet unreached people groups’ physical and spiritual needs.

The Medical Professional will use their skills to serve impoverished communities of unreached people groups in Central Asia to benefit their physical wellbeing. By strategically organizing their medical care, they will also have opportunities to share the gospel.

The ideal candidate will have successfully obtained a professional medical license and have the necessary skills to meet people’s physical needs. This position will require:

  • Medical Training and Licensure (Doctor, Nurse, Dentist, etc.)
  • Prior hands-on experience in their field
  • Problem-solving skills and flexibility to be able to work in an “under-resourced” environment, as compared to what they may have been used to in a “normal” work environment
  • Compassion for the poor and needy
  • Ability to proclaim the Good News clearly and simply in the indigenous language of the people they serve

The Medical Professional will:

  • Join a holistic church-planting team
  • Learn the local language
  • Serve an unreached people group in an impoverished community in Central Asia
  • Find a suitable organization to practice their medical expertise


The INN: Living Out Loud in Lancaster

The team exists to establish vital churches among unreached diaspora groups in Lancaster, PA. Lancaster was designated the “refugee capital of the US” by the BBC, based on the number of refugees resettled in relation to the total city population. People are coming to Lancaster who once had no hope but are finding new life and hope in Christ.

We are looking for mature Christians with strong interpersonal and relational skills, as well as a desire to share Christ in response to the work of grace in their own life. Imagine serving among refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants who have never had a conversation with a Christian. Consider the joy of building genuine relationships and sharing with those who have never heard the gospel message.

The team has a special focus on reaching second generation diaspora with the gospel. Many came to the US as children or were born to refugee parents and struggle with living ‘between” two cultures. Unlike their parents, their identity does not revolve around their heritage from their birth country. Our hope is that we will help them find their identity in Christ.

Join The INN and use your skills, education, and spiritual gifts to serve the nations among us! Formal Bible training and an exposure to missiological principles is helpful, but not required.

  • Mature Christian: People who love God, love people, and can maintain spiritual disciplines as they work with people resistant to the gospel
  • Evangelism and Discipleship: Desire to share the gospel and disciple people from different world views, religions, and backgrounds
  • Church Planting and Multiplication: Desire to participate in implementing creative church planting and multiplication strategies
  • Team Player: Good interpersonal, listening, and communication skills, as well as the ability to work collaboratively on a team and within a local network
  • Learner: A willingness to be part of a learning community dedicated to growing their skills, gifts, and abilities in church planting and multiplication while serving in a diaspora community
  • Outreach: Use your skills in ESL, the arts, literacy, teaching, and holistic ministry to build genuine relationship with our friends as they adapt to life in the US by sharing the love of Christ in word and deed
  • Evangelism and Discipleship: Journey with your contacts through dynamic spiritual conversations, sharing the truths of scripture, and discipling them into an intentional, growing relationship with Christ
  • Church planting: Be part of a team that desires to plant reproducing house churches in the local diaspora community
  • Community Service: Serve local diaspora along with the team and local network through meeting felt needs and building genuine relationships
