
Ethno-arts Specialist-Cameroon

The Ethno-Arts Specialist will live among and serve the Baka people of Cameroon with a team of church planters. They will use their skills to facilitate the sharing of the gospel through local art forms such as music, drama, visual arts, and dance.

This role will work with local artists to facilitate improved literacy in the local language and to develop a deeper understanding of the culture. The Ethno-Arts Specialist will create, use, and integrate various ethnic art forms to support the sharing and retention of Bible stories, thus providing an invaluable contribution to the church planting team.

  • Giftedness in the Arts
  • Training in World Arts
  • A solid commitment to the spiritual disciplines (i.e., Bible reading, prayer, etc.)
  • Live among the people, learning their language and culture before beginning formal ministry
  • Analyze local art forms
  • Work with nationals to produce art forms that will be effective vehicles to transmit biblical truth



This position will work to encourage the Fulbe people to consume a healthy, balanced diet and to be intentional in their use of agriculture and animal husbandry to provide for themselves, the community, and their economic benefit. In addition, this specialist will participate in the church planting process with the team in East Cameroon and/or the Adamawa Region.

This role will require communication with the Fulbe in their native language and a willingness to learn about their culture. As relationships are formed, this team member will promote, develop, and provide instruction in the cultivation of sustainable sources of nutrition and animal husbandry, which will improve their physical, economic, and spiritual well-being.

The ideal candidate for this position will possess:

  • Preparation and Experience: Knowledge of and skill in agricultural practices and animal husbandry
  • Leadership: Ability to promote, develop, and provide instruction in the cultivation of sustainable sources of nutrition and best practices in animal husbandry
  • Evangelism and Discipleship Experience: Competent in evangelism and discipleship techniques, with a willingness to adapt previously used methods to the Fulbe context
  • Collaborative Style: Works well with others, contributing to and participating in team efforts
  • Provide training in nutrition, sustainable agriculture management, and animal husbandry
  • Organize systematic and effective management of soil preparation, crop planting, harvesting, and food storage
  • Develop and implement animal husbandry best practices
