GC Kids
Give your kids a heart for global missions! Inspire them with stories of how we can share God’s love with unreached people groups.
New York City
I want to tell you a true story about a special friend of mine, who we will call Janet. I cannot give you her real name because the government is very strict in her country. If they learned about her decision for Jesus she might lose her job or otherwise get into trouble.
Paddling Downriver to Share the Gospel
In South America there is a tribe of Indians whose whole community has been changed since they learned about Jesus and began following God’s Word. They want to share the joy of knowing Jesus with other tribes, so they made a big trip down the river by canoe to share the Good News with others.
Using Your Skills to Share God’s Story
Have you ever wanted to do something so bad it burned inside like your heart was on fire? Did you ever feel a nudge inside telling you what to do, or what not to do? Didn’t it feel right when you obeyed and listened to God? I like to make videos and God showed me how I can use my skills to tell people about Jesus using YouTube videos and documentaries.
The Roma
Ivan is Roma, a people often looked down upon around the world. They are also know as Gypsies. They have superstitious religious beliefs rooted in Hinduism. Known mostly as uneducated, unmotivated and living a rough wild life, the Roma are often accused of thievery and other bad behavior. This used to describe Ivan.
William Carey – Missionary to India
William Carey lived in England long, long ago, before the father of your father’s father was born. While still young, he asked some ministers of his church about taking the Gospel to people in other countries. One minister told him, “Young man, sit down. When God pleases to convert the heathen world, He will do it without your help or mine.” William knew that was wrong. He was convinced that Christians must take God’s Word to every nation. Years later he said, “Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God”. And he did!
Cars and trucks honking non-stop, a traffic cop blowing his whistle at a busy intersection, and a bread man pushing his large three wheeled cart loaded with fresh buns and pastry; these are just a few of the many sights on a normal morning in Lima, Peru.
Sadhu Sundar Singh
On September 3, 1889 in northern India, a boy named Sundar Singh was born into a family of the Sikh religion. Sundar’s family was loving, they had a nice home and unlike many of their neighbors, had plenty to eat. Sundar’s mother was honored as a Sikh bhakta, a woman saint, and she prayed with Sundar and helped him memorize their holy book called the Gita.
What Children Can Do For Missions
Can you, a child, help people somewhere else in the world to know Jesus now, before you are old enough to be a missionary? These stories will show you the answer is “yes!”
Jesus and Baseball
Baseball is called America’s national pastime, but it’s also the favorite pastime of kids in the Dominican Republic. Boys in the Dominican grow up doing two things: going to school and playing baseball. There is no little league baseball like in America, but kids form neighborhood leagues and you can see them playing the sport on just about every street corner. Many of those boys dream of playing in the Major Leagues when they grow up.
Will and Thom
Thom lives on one of the streets that make up the flower market here in our town. During the day, the flower stands open up and the flower sellers put out their roses and lilies. At night, they close the stands and leave nothing but wet streets and empty cubby holes. Thom spends his nights in one of cubby holes. During the day, he wanders the streets and tries to stay out of view of the police. But at night he finds a dry place among the flower petals on the street floor and fights off the dirty rats. Thom sleeps as much as he can but has to make sure he wakes up and leaves before the flower stands open up again because he will get beat up by the owners. Thom has a difficult life.