GC Kids

Give your kids a heart for global missions! Inspire them with stories of how we can share God’s love with unreached people groups.



Fadya’s Story

Hi! I’m Fadya and I am 10 years old. One night a few weeks ago, I was bored and wanted to read. I grabbed my book about the prophets and started reading about the Prophet Adam.

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Cuba, Coffee & Christ

One day Luis walked into a small, crowded coffee house along a narrow street in downtown Santa Clara. Luis didn’t look friendly when he walked in to the coffee shop that day. But there Luis found friendly people who talked to him about Jesus and listened to him.

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Welcome to the INN

We live in an age of migration. Our American neighborhoods are becoming home to the same people missionaries are working to reach for Jesus around the world. We need lots and lots of workers in America to love and serve our New Neighbors.

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Betty Greene – Missionary Pilot

God used a family friend to give Betty this advice: “Why not combine flying and missionary work?”

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Hindus Trade Their Idols For God’s Love

Marijke told Nadira, “After 23 years of going through religious rituals, I am not satisfied with my life. I have no genuine peace, only inner turmoil.” Marijke was searching for what could bring her hope and joy. Nadira told her that Jesus could forgive her sins and give her everlasting peace.

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My Dog, My Neighbors, God’s Love

Before I came to Africa, I knew I would have to do some hard things in order to be a missionary, I thought about safety, air conditioning, and snakes. But I’’ve found that the greatest sacrifices have been things I would never have imagined.

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David Brainerd: Short Life, Eternal Impact

David Brainerd said, “Nothing seems too hard for God to perform, nothing too great for me to hope from Him.” Often David was weak from lack of food, and from spitting up blood from tuberculosis, a disease of the lungs. Sometimes he was so miserable that he wanted to die. Yet he knew God was with him.

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Italy Needs Jesus

Most people have never decided to believe in Jesus and live for him. In fact, more and more young people are moving toward not believing in God. They don’t see anything real in the religion of their culture. The religion they see seems hollow. It doesn’t connect to their daily life.

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The Gospel Planted; the Gospel Spread

Indonesia is the world’s largest island nation, with about 18,000 islands. Only about 9,000 islands have been named. 6000 have people on them, but only 1000 have people year-round. At 260 million people, Indonesia is the world’s fourth most populous country, and has the most Muslims of any nation. There are many hundreds of different native tribes with their own languages. Papua has 264 languages.

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A Rooster and the Gospel

The wild rooster Mr. Xu gave me is a big show of friendship and appreciation. These men can be hard to reach, but God did it. I am humbled by our Heavenly Father’s amazing power.

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