

Calling: How Do I know Whether God Is Calling Me to Become a Missionary?

The 4 C’s: Calling, Character, Chemistry, Competency

Article by Daniel Topf, PhD

Many believers wonder, “Am I really called to missions?” It’s an important question because a sense of calling can sustain us in difficult times when the going gets rough. Becoming a missionary usually requires careful preparation and a sacrificial lifestyle, which is why it is crucial to have a high level of conviction regarding being in the center of God’s will. In the following, let’s look at a few principles that can help you in identifying God’s calling for your life, especially regarding cross-cultural ministry.


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What Should I Expect and How Can I Prepare for Short-Term Missions?

Article by Daniel Topf, PhD

A crucial aspect in cross-cultural ministry and when going on a mission trip is to manage one’s expectations. Serving in missions can be one of the most exciting things you will ever do in your life, but it can also be extremely challenging.


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Bringing the Gospel to Milan

World Team began ministry in Italy in the city of Sicily and moved it’s ministry efforts to Milan in the 1990s. Milan is the second largest city in the country and is a center for culture and commerce, boasting the third-largest economy among European Union cities. 

While Milan may be a hub for many things, that’s not the case for the evangelical church.


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A Light in the Darkness in Spain

Throughout Spain, large Roman Catholic cathedrals tower over the cities and towns. Many Spaniards, however, have stopped going to church and no longer believe in God. Though the evangelical church has experienced recent growth at a rate higher than the global average, it still struggles to be relevant in society. 


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Following Jesus’ Example with Church-Based Teams

World Team’s vision of church-based teams follows the pattern of Christ’s twelve disciples: training and commissioning leaders for ministry among the unreached people of the world. In a church-based team, World Team works in partnership with the church and the team that is doing cross-cultural ministry. 


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Decades of Commitment Bearing Fruit in Trinidad

When Beulah and Siddhant first arrived in Trinidad with World Team in 1980, there was only one church among the East Indian community in Trinidad. Over the past four decades, they have been able to help plant several reproducing churches on the island, leading to many lives being reached by the gospel.


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Gospel Growth in Cameroon

Lisa and Dan have been with World Team since 1993, and in Cameroon since 1997. Lisa is the field director for Cameroon and oversees more than 20 World Team workers. Dan oversees several diverse ministries in his role as World Team Africa’s area director.

Ministry has been ongoing in Cameroon for decades, and many of the workers there have been there for years. The connections and relationships between the workers there have been a great strength for World Team’s ministries. 


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The Impact of Prayer in France

In June of 2021, World Team France held their annual Paris Prayer Connection, a prayer conference where they invite others to learn about and pray for the many ministries in which our workers are involved.

Jerry and Carolyn joined us on our latest episode of the Acts of Faith podcast to share a bit about the team dynamics in France and what to expect from the Paris Prayer Connection.


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Equipping Others in the Philippines

The Philippines, comprised of more than 7,000 islands in Southeast Asia, is the 13th-most populated country in the world, and is experiencing a boom in faith in recent years. World Team Philippines is part of this growth, planting churches among the unreached in both urban and rural locales.


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Meeting Community Needs with The INN

God is working in the lives of people around the world who are fleeing persecution, war, and starvation to lands of prosperity and security, including the United States. Our strategically placed and uniquely equipped teams with The International Neighborhood Network (The INN) are building relationships in diaspora communities around shared interests and felt needs within these communities.


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