Expanding Outreach in Spain
Tim and Paula are successful World Team church planters in Spain. They joined World Team to go to a place where people have little chance of hearing the gospel. (more…)
I Was A Stranger – You Welcomed Me
There are countless opportunities for workers in America to love and serve our new neighbors. What is needed are open eyes, a servant heart, and the courage to engage with people who at first seem very different.
People Matter to God
God is at work in all of our lives meeting needs, drawing us closer to Him and equipping us for service. Holistic ministry is an avenue that allows World Team workers to share the mercy and grace God has shown them with others who do not know Him.
Explore Your Call. Go Short-Term!
Most of World Team’s workers have participated in a short-term mission trip before their long-term placements. For many of them, such as Chad and Kimberly in France, it was a short-term trip where God affirmed His call on their lives to serve cross-culturally.
“Nearly every cross-cultural worker that we know have participated in one or more short-term ministry opportunity. Kimberly and I are no exception,” shared Chad about short-term opportunities. “God used our experience in short-term ministry to open our eyes to the many needs of this world and to the specifics of how he could use our gifts and talents in His service.”