I B L – Haiti Bible Institute Classroom Addition
Dear Friend of Haiti,
We want to share some good news from Haiti! Despite the unrest in the country, the Bible college in Cayes remains open with over 60 students enrolled! These Haitian students, young and old, are learning the Scriptures and gaining ministry skills. They are leaders in their churches and communities—truly salt and light in a region where corrupt leadership has left so many in misery.

World Team has been a partner in training local pastors and church planters in Haiti for over 85 years. Many of our graduates are now professors, and there is high demand for the quality theological education that we offer. However, with the limited space, we can only accept new students every other year. In addition, we want to offer master’s programs in specialized areas of ministry, including cross-cultural missions, but we do not have the infrastructure to do it.

To meet this need, we are adding a second story to the classroom building, including a classroom, bathrooms, a modern seminar room, and a solar electrical system for the Bible School campus. This project will also contribute to the school’s financial sustainability by providing secure and modernized conference space for the many non-governmental organizations operating in the region.

The construction project and finances are being managed by two experienced project managers, Johannes Schuerer and Reinhard Schaller, both living in Cayes. The budget for the construction phase is USD 185,481. The solar phase has a budget of USD 51,458. To maximize the security of the solar equipment, the panels will be installed atop the new second-story. Cayes and many small urban centers outside of the Haitian capital have not seen the gangs advance because of strong local opposition.
Would you ask the Lord how he would have you participate in this long-term investment in the growth of his church in Haiti? We hope to begin construction this summer and complete it this year.
With joyful anticipation,
Sean Christensen
World Team Haiti Field Director