Cambodia-Discipler and Church Planter

The Discipler and Church Planter will work with a holistic church-planting team to create and maintain gospel-driven relationships with the unreached people group they serve by living among them and learning their language and culture. This will lead to opportunities to evangelize, disciple new believers, and train church leaders. This position is available in multiple locations across Cambodia.

The Discipler and Church Planter in Cambodia will serve, evangelize, and disciple an unreached people group with little or no knowledge of the gospel. This role’s mission is to disciple new believers toward Christian maturity, faithfully teaching the Bible in the indigenous language and training them so that they, in turn, can reach out to others. This role will identify and equip leaders from among the discipled believers and will assist them as they lead their own people in healthy, self-sustaining, and multiplying churches that they will establish within their individual communities. This role is open in multiple locations across Cambodia and will vary from location to location. For example, the role may be with high school Khmer students in the province, university students in the city, or underprivileged families in the villages of Cambodia.

This position requires a vibrant and dedicated spiritual life characterized by consistent practice of spiritual disciplines. The Discipler and Church Planter will need to have a solid understanding of the Scriptures, be able to teach and clearly communicate the gospel, and disciple believers to maturity. Patience and dedication are necessary, as they must learn to communicate with the assigned unreached people group faithfully and accurately in their native language.
The ideal candidate will have:
- A Biblical Studies BA or equivalent experience
- Five (5) years of church leadership experience (preferred but not mandatory)
- Experience with evangelism and discipleship
- Willingness to commit at least ten years to the project
- A solid commitment to the spiritual disciplines (i.e., Bible reading, prayer, etc.)
- Proficiency in the assigned unreached people group’s language

The Discipler and Church Planter will collaborate with a church-planting team, preparing indigenous servant-leaders to establish and lead healthy, self-sustaining, and multiplying churches. They will:
- Live among the unreached people group, learning their language and culture before beginning formal ministry
- Teach the Bible in formal and informal settings
- Evangelize and disciple the people, making disciples who make disciples
- Identify and equip native leaders to evangelize and disciple their people in a life-on-life manner
- Develop current and future church leaders with Biblical and practical leadership skills
- Other field or agency duties as assigned