
Student-Central Asia


Students will participate in a collegiate-level program (Bachelor’s or Master’s) while participating in a church-planting team and exploring the potential for long-term work in the area.

Position Summary

The Student in Central Asia will be enrolled in a full-time, college-level program. Their coursework will be in English. They will be encouraged to use their time on campus to build relationships with fellow students and professors of various cultural and ethnic backgrounds.

Qualifications and Skills

This role will pursue a higher education degree while reaching out to students and staff, in order to engage in relationship building. Students must have:

  • For the bachelor’s program: A degree from a High School
  • For the master’s program: A bachelor’s degree
  • Willingness to attend and participate in all enrolled classes
  • Desire to learn and grow
  • Excitement to build relationships on a university campus


The Student in Central Asia will:

  • Be a responsible student and participant in classes
  • Be an active member of a church-planting team
  • Build relationships with classmates and professors with the aim of being a light and proclaiming the Good News
  • Commit to a 2-4 year assignment


Teach English-Central Asia

The English Teacher in Central Asia will serve an unreached people group through fun and effective English classes. As these learners become more proficient in the English language, they will also be better equipped to seek additional employment options. As the English Teacher shares their life, time, skills, and love with their students in practical ways, they will develop positive relationships that will lead to opportunities to share the gospel.

This role is designed for workers who desire to teach English, which may include informal English clubs or formal teaching assignments in a secular institution. Some assignments require internationally recognized certifications, while others may not. The students will gain valuable skills, and the English Teacher will have a natural bridge for building relationships and sharing the gospel.

The English Teacher will use their skills, education, and spiritual gifts to serve the community. Formal Bible training and an exposure to missiological principles is helpful, but not required. The ideal candidate will have:

  • Training: People with formal or informal training/experience in teaching English
  • Understanding of Culture and Worldview: Ability to be patient and display cultural awareness and sensitivity
  • Christian Maturity: Evidence Christ-like character and leadership competency; a humble spirit and a listening heart are essential; maintaining spiritual disciplines as they work with people resistant to the gospel
  • Evangelistic Outreach: The desire to participate in implementation of creative church-planting and multiplication strategies
  • A Collaborative Style: A team player with good interpersonal, listening, and communication skills, as well as the ability to work cooperatively on a team and within a local network

This role requires:

  • Organization: Planning and organizing lessons that meet the team criteria and the needs of the learners
  • Dedication: Provision of instruction that is consistent, coordinated, and engaging
  • Creativity: Using a variety of teaching techniques and strategies to help learners develop their language skills in a supportive and positive learning environment
  • Communication: Evaluating and assessing learners’ progress and providing feedback
  • Evangelism and Discipleship: Building genuine friendships that welcome people through dynamic spiritual conversations, sharing the truths of scripture, and discipling believers into an intentional, growing relationship with Christ
  • Church Planting and Expansion: Participate in a holistic, church-planting team that desires to plant reproducing house churches in the local community


Professional in Mission-Central Asia

Professional in Mission or Marketplace Workers integrate themselves into the daily lives of Central Asians through working in the marketplace. Pursuing work in a professional capacity is an effective avenue for life-on-life spiritual impact as genuine, trusting relationships are established with coworkers.

This role will make disciples among unreached people groups while using their professional skills and experience in a cross-cultural, business context. Being a ‘Professional’ means living out your faith through your everyday work, with a desire to see Kingdom impact in all your relationships.

The Professional in Mission will use their skills, education, experience, and spiritual gifts to create ministry opportunities while serving in the marketplace in Central Asia. Formal Bible training and exposure to missiological principles is helpful, but not required. The ideal candidate will have:

  • A mature, humble walk with the Lord, continually seeking to grow in godliness and to abide in Christ
  • Experience in evangelism and discipleship so that as workplace relationships are formed, their new friends will hear the Good News, and may be discipled and equipped to share the gospel and disciple others
  • The necessary skills, experience, and education required and determined by the Central Asian employer

The key to success in this role is the ability to build trusting relationships with coworkers. This will require a strong marketplace testimony, consistent communication, and a listening heart. Other responsibilities include:

  • Evangelism and Discipleship: Ability to engage contacts through dynamic, spiritual conversations, sharing the truths of scripture, and discipling others into an intentional, growing relationship with Christ
  • Church planting: Participate in the holistic church-planting team activities, sharing in the work and desire to plant reproducing house churches in the local community


Children’s Ministry-Cameroon

The purpose of this position is to create biblical literacy among Kwakum children who have never heard the truth about Jesus Christ.

This role will teach Kwakum children biblical truths. Those in this position will engage with the Kwakum in their native language and will learn about their culture. In this community, teaching children is mostly informal. This position will also help church leaders and parents understand and fulfill their biblical responsibility to teach their children God’s Word.

World Team has a zero-tolerance Child Safety Policy and is a participating member of the Child Safety Protection Network.

The ideal candidate will desire to support the training and development of the next generation of Kwakum believers. This role will require:

  • Love for Children: A desire to love and invest in the lives of Kwakum children
  • Classroom Management Skills: In Kwakum villages, gatherings for children may include one hundred participants of different ages. This role will be able to organize large groups of children while maintaining a positive and engaging environment
  • Christian Maturity: Evidence Christ-like character and leadership competency; a humble, loving spirit and a listening heart are essential
  • Evangelism and Discipleship: Experience with evangelism and sharing the gospel with children
  • Education Experience: Training and experience in education with a willingness to use new and creative techniques to reach children in the Kwakum context
  • Excellent Communication Skills: Ability to clearly communicate biblical truth
  • Help local Kwakum church leaders and parents understand and practice their God-given responsibility to teach their children the Word of God
  • Train Kwakum church workers to conduct Sunday School lessons
  • Train Kwakum parents to engage with their children in family worship
  • Develop a biblical children’s curriculum in the Kwakum language to facilitate their engagement with the gospel
  • Meet regularly with groups of children for evangelism and discipleship
  • Equip mature Kwakum adult believers to engage, evangelize, and disciple Kwakum children


Children and Youth Ministry-Cameroon

The purpose of this role is to teach Baka children and youth biblical truths through storytelling, songs, games, and other creative techniques. In addition, they will train Baka adults to engage and disciple children and youth.

The ideal candidate for this position will have education experience and a desire to impact the lives of Baka children, youth, and young adults as they teach them truths about God. Those in this position will engage with the Baka in their native language and will learn about their culture. In this community, teaching children is mostly informal, and patience and compassion are necessary, as many of the children come from difficult home situations.

World Team has a zero-tolerance Child Safety Policy and is a participating member of the Child Safety Protection Network.

This position will require:

  • Love for Children: A desire to love and invest in the lives of Baka children, youth, and young adults
  • Christian Maturity: Evidence Christ-like character and leadership competency; a humble, loving spirit and a listening heart are essential
  • Evangelism and Discipleship: Experience with evangelism and sharing the gospel with children and youth
  • Education Experience: Training and experience in education with a willingness to use new and creative techniques to reach children and youth in the Baka context
  • Communication Skills: Ability to clearly communicate biblical truth
  • Develop curriculum in the Baka language geared toward Baka children and youth to facilitate their engagement with the gospel
  • Meet regularly with groups of children, youth, and young adults for evangelism and discipleship
  • Engage and equip mature Baka adult believers to evangelize and disciple the children and youth


MK Homeschool Ministry-Cameroon

The MK Homeschool provider will free up linguists, medical professionals, Bible translators and administrators by providing their children with a quality homeschool education.

This position will live with a missionary family that serves on a Cameroon team as they participate in church planting efforts among the Baka people. Missionary families value gifted and creative homeschool teachers as they help meet their children’s educational needs and significantly impact their lives.

World Team has a zero-tolerance Child Safety Policy and is a participating member of the Child Safety Protection Network.

  • A love for children and a heart to serve a missionary family by homeschooling their children
  • Strong ability to supervise and maintain a positive, nurturing, and organized learning environment
  • A degree in teaching is not required
  • Using the curriculum provided, prepare age and grade-appropriate lessons for daily engagement with missionary children, providing education and supervision while their parents are working
  • Maintain accurate records of progress and grades throughout the year


Oral Bible Storying-Cameroon

In order to fulfill our mission to spread the gospel, we find that many people groups are oral-based societies and are thus more able to understand and respond to a spoken presentation of the Bible in their heart language. Stories are easy for nationals to learn and share orally and often incorporate drama, songs, and visual arts.

This role will join a Kwakum church planting team utilizing Oral Bible Storying in Cameroon. You will share the gospel and help people learn to study and grow in faith as they hear the Scripture and learn biblical truths.

  • Training in Oral Bible Storying
  • Artistic talent such as music or dance would be helpful
  • Strong verbal communication skills
  • Develop proficiency in the local language and learn the cultural norms
  • Explore Kwakum storying techniques before beginning Oral Bible Storying
  • Invite local people to learn Oral Bible Storying
  • Teach Kwakum people Oral Bible Storying; rehearse the stories with them, then accompany them as they go to new locations, helping them to retell the stories accurately. Continue to train and mentor local people in this way so they can go out on their own



In order to give the Baka and Kwakum people greater access to the Scriptures and to enlist their participation in translating the Bible into their respective tongues, Literacy Workers will teach them to read and write in their own language. This will further allow these people groups to read and study the Scriptures for themselves.

Literacy Workers will live among the Baka or Kwakum people, serving as members of a church planting team while learning the indigenous language and culture. This role will teach reading and writing to all age groups in their respective native language.

  • Gifted in management
  • Educated in promoting mother-tongue literacy
  • Teaching experience preferred but not required
  • A heart for the unreached poor and underserved
  • Become proficient in the local language and learn about the local culture
  • Create literacy materials with local people in their native language
  • Teach literacy classes
  • Train literacy teachers
  • Network with local leaders to promote literacy in village settings and public schools


Biblical Leadership Development-Cameroon

Live in community and disciple new believers among the Kwakum while encouraging and training maturing believers.

Equipping and empowering national leaders is an essential part of establishing churches that will grow and multiply. Ideal missionary candidates will be authentic, humble servant-leaders who can teach developing leaders to follow Christ in servant-leadership.


Sports Evangelism and Discipleship-Cameroon

This position will utilize sports and fitness activities as catalysts to engage Baka people of all ages for evangelism and discipleship. Focusing on physical well-being will open doors to develop relationships and provide avenues to share and spread the gospel within the village and to the surrounding communities.

This role will have access to a well-equipped outdoor gym in the center of a Baka village to attract and reach the community with evangelism and discipleship in mind. You will lead Bible studies, pray with people, and organize sports-related outreach to other Baka villages.

  • Thorough knowledge of the Bible
  • Evangelism and discipleship experience
  • Ability to organize and conduct fitness and sports events
  • Learn the local language and culture
  • Conduct fitness and sports events for the community
  • Use fitness and sports as a way to teach biblical truths to the community
  • Disciple believers to use fitness and sports as a means of evangelism
