
In order to give the Baka and Kwakum people greater access to the Scriptures and to enlist their participation in translating the Bible into their respective tongues, Literacy Workers will teach them to read and write in their own language. This will further allow these people groups to read and study the Scriptures for themselves.

Literacy Workers will live among the Baka or Kwakum people, serving as members of a church planting team while learning the indigenous language and culture. This role will teach reading and writing to all age groups in their respective native language.

- Gifted in management
- Educated in promoting mother-tongue literacy
- Teaching experience preferred but not required
- A heart for the unreached poor and underserved

- Become proficient in the local language and learn about the local culture
- Create literacy materials with local people in their native language
- Teach literacy classes
- Train literacy teachers
- Network with local leaders to promote literacy in village settings and public schools