Tales From The INN #1
Your Story Matters
When some Arabic friends asked her what was important to her, one of our INN workers from the Middle East used the opportunity to share the gospel and how it changed her life. The group responded with interest to her examples of how God’s love and grace had transformed her and given her peace and freedom.

Her words of hope touched the heart of one refugee in a special way. He approached her privately and asked to learn more about her relationship with Christ and how he, too, could find peace and new life. The INN worker shared more about who God is and how he loved us enough to send his only son, Jesus, to be the payment for our sins. After hearing this and how we could have the assurance of eternal life with God, he put his faith in Christ.
Is it Always this Beautiful?
During a recent holiday season, as we prepared to celebrate, my teammates and I prayed for opportunities to invite friends to our gatherings so we could share about Jesus’ death and resurrection. At each M home I visited, I invited my friends to join me for special services my church was hosting, and to dinners and activities with my teammates. I trusted that God would guide me in these conversations and stir the hearts of those who were “seekers” of the one, true God.

In the most stunning way, God brought five families to our gatherings, where the gospel was shared and celebrated that weekend. For one of these families, it was the first time they had heard the good news, and we are praying that they would one day receive the gospel. Another friend whispered to me in the middle of the service, “Is it always this beautiful? The people singing like this [to God]?! I wish I wouldn’t have waited to come with you – I’m coming back!”
Pray for our friends that they will come to understand who the one true God is and all that he is offering!
Which One is True?
As I was recently saying goodbye to one of my closest M families before they moved to a new city, I asked them to share one of God’s greatest gifts to them during their time in our city. Without hesitation, the husband said, “God blessed us by knowing you and your community. We had no one before you came to us. Now, we are sad to leave this city because we are leaving you all.” His community had become followers of Jesus and embraced him and his wife as they shared meals, practiced English, and discussed the Word of God weekly for almost two years.

Our friends had received Bibles from our team, and I had personally enjoyed dozens of gospel conversations with them. One of our last spiritual discussions ended with my friend saying, “We need to know which one is true [the teachings of the Q or the teachings of the Bible] and I think we should pray to know which one is right. Pray for me to know the truth, and I will pray for you.”
Pray for my friend’s eyes to be opened – Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life my friend is searching for!