Stories From Miss Ginny • Witness
The Boy Who Became a Witness
It was not unusual for sick people to walk great distances or be carried on stretchers to our clinic. Along with giving medical help, we often shared verses from the Bible and prayed with our patients. We also took opportunities to teach basic principles of good health. The reputation of the “Rumah Obat” or “House of Medicine” went to many other villages, even some where they had not yet heard the gospel.
I especially remember one young man named Usman. He was carried by his father and some other friends to Anik on a makeshift stretcher. They had come from one of those distant villages that had not yet been reached with the gospel.
Usman had terrible sores on one arm that were quite infected. We were very concerned because it was obvious that he was extremely ill. We needed to get Usman to the Baptist Hospital as quickly as possible. The father agreed, and we arranged an emergency flight with MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship). Just a short while later, the airplane landed on our airstrip and made the flight to Serukam, where the hospital was located.
The next day, we got news on our short-wave radio from one of the mission doctors at the hospital. The report was not good. Usman had advanced bone cancer, and part of his arm had to be removed.
When Usman and his father returned to Anik, we cared for him as best we could. We also shared Bible stories with them and truths from God’s Word.

Usman responded to all that he heard. One day, he asked how he could have this peace and joy. Again, we explained that it was possible because of what God had done through his son, Jesus. We prayed with him, and Usman became a new believer in Christ. The resulting smile on his face was all we needed to make that day special!
Both Usman and his father had been told that there was no cure for his cancer. They decided to go home to the village so that other family members could spend time with this young man. Several from their village came to the clinic and then began the long journey home, carrying Usman on a stretcher.
Usman, with his limited knowledge but very real faith in Jesus, was a testimony to many in his village. As a result, his family members and several others wanted to know how they could believe in Jesus.
The area church leadership in our district sent someone to Usman’s village to teach the Word of God. This was the beginning of a new church plant in that remote area.
Usman’s condition worsened, and once again, he was carried to our clinic. One of the last things he said to his family was, “Don’t be sad because I know that I will be in heaven with my Savior, Jesus.” Then he asked for prayer for himself, his family, and all the others in that village.
And that is how a 15-year-old boy became a witness!