Engage Short-Term through hands-on, real-world ministry serving with an established team and making disciples among those with little-to-no access to the Gospel. Further your understanding of God’s heart for the nations and how He delights to use the gifts, abilities, and passions that He places within each of us to build His kingdom.
If you are interested in exploring whether serving in cross-cultural ministry is what God is calling you to pursue, consider a short-term opportunity with World Team. You will participate in life and ministry alongside career missionaries who will invest in your journey, helping you process and understand what you are experiencing as you engage a new culture with the love of Jesus.
INTERNSHIPS (2 weeks – 4 months)
Gain firsthand experience in cross-cultural life and ministry as you explore your future fit in the Mission of God among the nations. These unique opportunities are tailored to your area of study and passion to give you exposure to missions in a context that fits your developing vision. You will directly witness Gospel-centered, incarnational ministry and be mentored by a veteran missionary to help you learn and process what you are experiencing. You will see what teamwork looks like in a cross-cultural context of holistic church planting among unreached people groups. Learn more by watching our Internship video.
Featured Internships:

Designed for individuals, families, or church leaders, Exploratory Trips are organized for those actively considering career missions engagement. These 1-to-2-week trips are planned closely with cross-cultural workers to help you envision career missions opportunities and the realities of a particular location and people group. Our missions coaches are prepared to help you consider this type of trip as you explore your long-term calling with World Team.

PRAYER TRIPS (1 – 2 weeks)
Prayer is the dependency on God in action. Individual and corporate prayer are vital parts of World Team’s ministry. We believe that God has worked and will continue to work through prayer. Prayer Trips give you the opportunity to engage personally with church planting ministries as you learn firsthand how God is at work. Join cross-cultural workers and other Christ followers for dedicated prayer times for the nations to know and worship Jesus.