The Philippines

God is moving powerfully in the Philippines.
The church is growing today in ways we have never seen, and World Team Philippines needs workers to help with the harvest. There are currently three experienced church planting teams actively mobilizing workers to join them. New missionaries to the field would first spend time learning the language and culture and eventually join a team. That team would invest in them to help them become effective in disciple-making and planting churches.
There are five active teams with the vision of making disciples and planting reproducing communities of believers. In the past year (’22), World Team missionaries baptized more than 70 people and started six new house churches. Filipino-led churches planted by World Team missionaries have baptized even more over the past year. We praise God for this! WT Philippines is committed to its central ministry focus to reach, invest in, and equip others to release them into ministry.
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Job Descriptions
Church Planter / College Minister
Ministry Profiles:
The Philippines – Human Trafficking
The Bicol region has a population of over 6 million and is one of the least reached regions in the Philippines. There are two teams in the Bicol region: one in a remote location and another in a large city. Our goal is to plant churches in both of these contexts. Work has begun in these areas, but more people are needed to fill important roles on both teams.
There are 13 unreached people groups in the Philippines that World Team is exploring ways to reach with the gospel soon. The goal is to send a team to one of these groups in the next three-to-five years. To reach this goal, World Team Philippines is actively praying for this work, researching a location to engage these people groups, and pursuing workers to join this initiative.