Spain – Business as Mission

The Business position will explore Business as Mission (BAM): projects to serve as part of church planting teams in Spain.

The BAM worker will utilize their business experience and acumen to support the work of a holistic church planting team in Spain.

The ideal candidate will be trained in international business and have some business experience. The choice of business opportunity would be dependent upon skills, interests, or experience and would have to support the identified needs of the host society.
The BAM worker must have a good understanding of how to conduct business, with a focus on financial responsibility and a firm grasp of the concepts of Business as a Mission (BAM). They would also need to be people and relationship oriented. This position would require at least a five-year commitment.

The BAM worker will plan, implement, and grow the chosen business. This includes:
- Establishing a viable business plan
- Gathering investment capital for the business and its expansion
- Managing a multifaceted marketing emphasis
- Providing a work contract or letter of invitation for potential colleagues as needed
- Training staff – developing positive, gospel relationships with them.
- Developing company policies and protocols
- Establishing a healthy customer base
- Incorporating God-honoring principles throughout the business