South Asia – TESOL Instructors

The English Teacher will serve an unreached people group through fun and effective English classes. As these learners become more proficient in the English language, they will also be better equipped to seek additional employment options. As the English Teacher shares their life, time, skills, and love with their students in practical ways, they will develop positive relationships that will lead to opportunities to share the gospel.

This role is designed for workers who desire to teach English, which may include informal English clubs or formal teaching assignments in a secular institution. Some assignments require internationally recognized certifications, while others may not. The students will gain valuable skills, and the English Teacher will have a natural bridge for building relationships and sharing the gospel.

The English Teacher will use their skills, education, and spiritual gifts to serve the community. Formal Bible training and an exposure to missiological principles is helpful, but not required. The ideal candidate will have:
- Training: People with formal or informal training/experience in teaching English
- Understanding of Culture and Worldview: Ability to be patient and display cultural awareness and sensitivity
- Christian Maturity: Evidence Christ-like character and leadership competency; a humble spirit and a listening heart are essential; maintaining spiritual disciplines as they work with people resistant to the gospel
- Evangelistic Outreach: The desire to participate in the implementation of creative church-planting and multiplication strategies
- A Collaborative Style: A team player with good interpersonal, listening, and communication skills, as well as the ability to work cooperatively on a team and within a local networ

This role requires:
- Organization: Planning and organizing lessons that meet the team criteria and the needs of the learners
- Dedication: Provision of instruction that is consistent, coordinated, and engaging
- Creativity: Using a variety of teaching techniques and strategies to help learners develop their language skills in a supportive and positive learning environment
- Communication: Evaluating and assessing learners’ progress and providing feedback
- Evangelism and Discipleship: Building genuine friendships that welcome people through dynamic spiritual conversations, sharing the truths of scripture, and discipling believers into an intentional, growing relationship with Christ
- Church Planting and Expansion: Participate in a holistic, church-planting team that desires to plant reproducing house churches in the local community