South Asia – Church Planter

The Church-Planter role will engage unreached people groups in order to evangelize, disciple, and equip them to live in community, to follow and share Christ with others, and to spread the gospel.

- The church planter will work to see a healthy local church established among a Muslim people group.
- They will focus on building relationships, sharing the Good News, and investing in those they identify as faithful to do the same.

The ideal candidate will have a mature walk with the Lord where they continually seek to grow in godliness and to abide in Christ. They will also have:
- A passion for reaching the lost is vital to this role
- Formal Bible training is preferred but not required
- Experience in evangelism and discipleship among Muslims is preferred
- A desire to serve long-term as much of the work is still at the evangelism stage
- The ideal candidate will keep their efforts and various relationships before the Father in prayer

The church planter will work on a team to provide mutual encouragement and accountability. They will engage in:
- Language and Culture: Live among an unreached people group, learn about their culture, and become proficient in language before beginning formal ministry
- Relationship Building: Establish genuine relationships in the community
- Evangelism: Faithfully and consistently share the gospel in word and deed in the community
- Discipleship: Disciple believers into a mature and healthy relationship with Christ through teaching the Bible in formal and informal settings
- Training: Train, develop, and release disciples to plant the church
- Developing Leaders: Identify and equip leaders for the church and for planting churches in neighboring communities, training them to disciple new believers in a life-on-life manner
- Spiritual Progress: Track the spiritual progress of the community
- Networking: Develop and expand a network of local churches and organizations to attract, train, and mobilize volunteers for ministry