Entrepreneur-Central Asia

Entrepreneurs with a strong background and experience in Business are vital for our holistic, church-planting teams in Central Asia. They will use their skills and experience in a cross-cultural context to benefit the physical, economic, and spiritual well-being of the local community. This will include working to develop local, unreached people groups and providing employment opportunities for them.

The Entrepreneur will either join an existing business project or begin their own. They will establish a company that will provide jobs and create opportunities for building community relationships. This role will establish management processes that equip others to share responsibilities and develop new skill sets. They may also incorporate internship opportunities to train others to be successful in similar endeavors.
Specific challenges to this position include long work hours during the business start-up phase, navigating unique governmental requirements for operating a business, and identifying a viable business niche to engage in.

The ideal candidate will have good business acumen. The type of business one pursues would be dependent upon skills, interests, or experience, along with the identified needs in the host society.
While an advanced Business degree is not required, it is essential that the Entrepreneur have a good understanding of doing business with a focus on fiscal responsibility, being people/relationally focused, and have a firm grasp of the concepts of Business as a Mission (BAM). A propensity to persevere through adversity is extremely helpful. This position would require at least a five-year commitment.

The entrepreneur will need to plan, implement, and grow a business from start to finish. This includes:
- Establishing a viable business plan
- Gathering investment capital for the business
- Providing visas for colleagues
- Training staff – developing positive, gospel relationships with them
- Developing company policies and protocols
- Establishing a healthy customer base
- Incorporating God-honoring principles throughout the business
- Training others to be successful entrepreneurs