Brazil – Evangelism and Discipleship

The Evangelism and Discipleship worker will spread the gospel among unreached, urban, indigenous people in the Amazon region by identifying and developing local leaders from among discipled believers. These equipped leaders will, in turn, establish and lead local churches in their communities with the goal of spreading the gospel to neighboring areas. This worker will also equip and mobilize indigenous believers who wish to pursue missions beyond the city of Manaus.

This position will work to see the gospel established in unengaged and under-reached communities in the urban center of Manaus and the surrounding region. They will evangelize, make disciples within an identified community, and work with local people to establish a healthy, multiplying local church with indigenous church leadership. The WTM worker will not become the local pastor but is significantly involved in the church-planting process, development, and equipping of local leaders with WTM and other local partners.

The ideal candidate has a mature walk with the Lord and is continually seeking to grow in godliness, abide in Christ, and is presently engaged in evangelizing and making disciples within their current context prior to joining the field.
Character traits for this worker include flexibility, humility, resilience, interest in other cultures and unreached people groups, and a genuine love for the lost. The ministry context involves those who are experiencing the effects of trauma, discrimination, marginalization, extreme poverty, and pervasive spiritual warfare. Wisdom and spiritual maturity are imperative to navigate these challenges.
World Team highly values immersion into the local culture and context, so the individual assigned must be willing to work hard to learn the local language, worldviews, majority culture, and minority subcultures.
The ideal candidate possesses:
- Christian Maturity: Humility and a mature Christian walk, with the ability to be highly relational
- Theological Knowledge and Experience: Biblical and theological training (formal or informal) and ability to interpret Scripture
- Communication Skills: The ability to faithfully and clearly communicate Scripture
- An aptitude for Language Learning: Willingness to become proficient in an advanced level of Portuguese
- Flexibility: The ability to customize methods for a distinct cultural context and a desire to equip locals to do the same
- Discernment and Boldness: The ability to be open to and discern between cultural norms and biblical truths and to address problematic theology in a culturally aware manner.
- Sensitivity and Insight: Experience with minority, migrant, marginalized, or otherwise vulnerable populations or willingness to learn about the unique challenges of these communities
- Composure: The ability to suspend judgment and work in elevated levels of ambiguity
- Evangelism and Discipleship Experience: At least 1-2 years of experience in evangelism and discipleship, with the capacity to equip and support others in their calling to evangelize and disciple

The Evangelism and Discipleship worker will collaborate with the team to provide mutual encouragement and accountability. As part of the Manaus Field, this role will participate in field-level activities, including retreats and conferences, regular business and prayer meetings, and other tasks as assigned. They will:
- Establish and maintain local relationships
- Share the gospel in culturally contextualized ways
- Make disciples that make disciples
- Identify disciples and connect them to other believers and, where possible, a local church, facilitating or creating opportunities as needed
- Promote Biblical maturity and healthy, Christian living
- Assist in the church-planting process
- Train local, believing leadership in reproducible discipleship and evangelism methods