Brazil – Church Planting

The Church Planter will work to plant churches through positive, gospel-driven relationships with the indigenous peoples of the Amazonian city of Manaus. Learning Portuguese and acculturating to the local culture(s) will lead to opportunities to evangelize, disciple new believers, and train church leaders.

As part of a church-planting team, Church Planters in Brazil will faithfully teach the Bible and disciple new believers toward Christian maturity. In the process, the Church Planter will identify and equip leaders from among the discipled believers and will assist these indigenous leaders as they lead their own people in churches that they establish within their own communities.

This position requires a vibrant and dedicated spiritual life characterized by consistent practice of spiritual disciplines. The Church Planter will need to have a solid understanding of the Scriptures and be able to teach and clearly communicate the gospel in culturally relevant ways. Patience and dedication are necessary, as the Church Planter must learn to communicate effectively with these peoples and communities.
The ideal candidate will have:
- An extensive understanding of the Bible
- Two to Three (2-3) years of church leadership experience (preferred)
- A background (formal or informal) in the studies of ecclesiology, missiology, theology
- Experience with evangelism and discipleship
- A willingness to commit at least five (5) or more years to the project
- A humble heart and will be a team player, hungry to serve
- An interest in other cultures and how to reach them with the gospel
- A solid commitment to the spiritual disciplines (i.e., Bible reading, prayer, etc.)
- Flexibility and adaptability
- A willingness to learn Portuguese and become a fluent communicator in this language

The Church Planter will collaborate with a team to evangelize and disciple indigenous Brazilians in Manaus and will identify and equip servant-leaders to establish and lead healthy, self-sustaining churches. They will:
- Live in the same city as these indigenous migrating people groups, learn about their culture, and grow in a proficiency level of Portuguese necessary for effective ministry.
- Teach the Bible in formal and informal settings
- Evangelize and disciple
- Identify and equip indigenous disciples to evangelize their own people, training them to disciple new believers in a life-on-life manner
- Continue to develop current and future church leaders with Biblical and practical leadership to establish healthy churches alongside indigenous church planters and teammates. With an apostolic mindset, they will prepare these churches to be led by local indigenous leaders.
- Engage in other field or agency duties as assigned