
UK-Field Leader

World Team UK (WT-UK) is committed to reaching out to migrants in urban neighborhoods. The Meeting Point is a project of WT-UK in a culturally and ethnically diverse part of London. We are looking for a WT-UK Field Director. The role is vital in ensuring that WT-UK is reaching out mainly to the migrant population and least-reached people groups in the UK, sharing the gospel, and discipling young people and adults within the local community to fulfill the vision of sharing the love of Jesus.

The Field Director will develop an initial plan and a strategy to expand the evangelistic work in the UK, including mobilizing more workers and developing a plan for (financial and spiritual) sustainability in alignment with the overall goal of Church Planting. They will oversee the development of a strategic plan for the overall field ministry and ensure that each team/missionary formulates clear ministry goals that integrate with the field strategic plan. The Field Director is responsible for providing direction and member care (in collaboration with the WT global member care team) and mobilizing and developing potential leaders.

This position requires a vibrant and dedicated spiritual life characterized by consistent practice of spiritual disciplines. The Field Director will need to have a solid understanding of the Scriptures and be able to teach and clearly communicate how the entire Bible, including the Old Testament, points to the person and work of Jesus Christ. Patience, dedication, leadership skills and humility are necessary for this position.

The ideal candidate would have a passion for Jesus, the local church, and the wider community. He or she would require a heart for youth, migrant communities, the vulnerable and those on the margins, and would be passionate about the transformation available through faith in Christ. The candidate must:

  • be spiritually mature, exhibiting humility and godliness
  • have demonstrated leadership skills
  • be committed to servant leadership
  • be respected by their peers and co-workers
PROFESSIONAL FORMATION (preferably one of the following):
  • Theological education (e.g., BA or MA, evangelism, church planting or equivalent)
  • Social education (cultural studies, social work, or equivalent)
  • Pedagogical education (teacher, coach, trainer, or equivalent)
SKILLS and EXPERIENCE (in descending order from essential to preferable):
  • Self-starter/pioneer skills (and experience)
  • Leadership skills
  • Able to manage own time and proactively prioritize competing tasks in a timely fashion
  • A passion to fulfill the vision of the Meeting Point
  • Team player and flexible to adjust to ministry needs
  • Ability to handle confidential information professionally and discreetly
  • Evangelistic gift and formation (and/or experience) in outreach methods among migrants
  • Experience in public speaking and Bible teaching (desirable)
  • Polite and proficient communicator

The Field Director will collaborate with a team to prepare servant leaders to establish and lead healthy, self-sustaining churches. He will:

  • Live in a multicultural neighborhood
  • Teach the Bible in formal and informal settings
  • Evangelize and disciple the people
  • Identify and equip native leaders to evangelize their people, who are primarily an unreached people group
  • Train church leaders to disciple believers in a life-on-life manner
  • Develop current and future church leaders with Biblical and practical leadership skills
  • Establish and lead a team of expats and local workers


Germany-Church Planting among Turks and Kurds

The Church Planter will serve, evangelize, and disciple an unreached people group (Turks and Kurds) in one of the bigger cities of Germany (e.g., Berlin, Essen, Heilbronn). This role’s mission is to reach out to non-believers (e.g., with Al Massira courses, book tables on the street, deeds of love and practical help) and to disciple new believers toward Christian maturity, faithfully teaching the Bible in their native language. In the process, the Church Planter will identify and equip leaders from among the discipled believers and will assist them as they lead their own people in churches they will establish within their individual or mono-multicultural communities.

The Church Planter will work to create and maintain gospel-driven relationships with the people they serve by living in their neighborhood and learning their language and culture in addition to German and German culture. This will lead to opportunities to evangelize, disciple new believers, and train church leaders. The Turks and Kurds are largely unreached people groups. Ministry among these groups will require perseverance and commitment. There are about 3 million Turks and Kurds together in Germany. Most of them are born in Germany and well established in their subculture community, but there is a growing number of just recently immigrated Turks (more than 60,000 in 2023, primarily for political reasons) who are less attracted by the conservative Turkish communities and more open to the gospel.

This position requires a vibrant and dedicated spiritual life characterized by consistent practice of spiritual disciplines. The Church Planter will need to have a solid understanding of the Scriptures, the main doctrine of (Turkish) Islam, Turkish / Kurdish history and the current political situation. They will need to be able to teach and clearly communicate how the entire Bible, including the Old Testament, points to the person and work of Jesus Christ. Patience and dedication are necessary, as the Church Planter must learn to communicate with the assigned unreached people group faithfully and accurately in their language.

The ideal candidate will have:

  • A Biblical Studies BA or equivalent experience
  • Five (5) years of church leadership experience (preferred)
  • Experience with evangelism and discipleship
  • Willingness to commit at least ten (10) years to the project
  • A solid commitment to the spiritual disciplines (i.e., Bible reading, prayer, etc.)
  • Proficiency in the assigned unreached people group’s language and in German

The Church Planter will be seconded and employed by the DMG for legal reasons. They will be led through an established one to two-year program of language and culture learning. During this process, the Church Planter will get to know various projects and teams to choose for their ministry.

They will collaborate with a team to prepare Indigenous servant-leaders to establish and lead healthy, self-sustaining churches. They will:

  • Live in the neighborhood of Turks and Kurds, learning their language and culture before beginning formal ministry
  • Teach the Bible in formal and informal settings
  • Evangelize and disciple the people
  • Identify and equip Turkish or Kurdish leaders to evangelize their own people
  • Train Indigenous church leaders to disciple believers in a life-on-life manner
  • Develop current and future church leaders with Biblical and practical leadership skills
  • Complete other field or agency duties as assigned


Lima, Peru – Church Planting

The Lima, Peru Church Planter will evangelize and disciple Peruvian Chinese people in Lima toward Christian maturity, faithfully teaching the Bible in the Chinese language. During this process, the Church Planter will identify and equip leaders among discipled believers and assist them as they establish and lead Chinese churches.

The Church Planter will work to create and maintain gospel-driven relationships with the Peruvian Chinese community by living among them and learning their language and culture. This will lead to opportunities to evangelize, disciple new believers, and train Chinese church leaders. The Chinese living in Lima are an unreached people group that primarily follow the teachings of the Buddhist religion. As such, this pioneering ministry will require perseverance and commitment.

This position requires a vibrant and dedicated spiritual life characterized by consistent practice of spiritual disciplines. The Church Planter will need to have a solid understanding of the Scriptures and be able to teach and clearly communicate how the Old Testament points to the person and work of Jesus Christ. Patience and dedication are necessary, as the Church Planter must learn to communicate with the Chinese Peruvians faithfully and accurately in their native language.

The ideal candidate will have:

  • A degree in Biblical Studies or equivalent experience
  • Three (3) years of church leadership experience (preferred)
  • Experience with evangelism and discipleship
  • Willingness to commit at least 10 years to the project
  • A solid commitment to the spiritual disciplines (i.e., Bible reading, prayer, etc.)
  • Proficiency in the Chinese language

The Church Planter will work with a team to prepare Chinese servant-leaders to establish and lead healthy, self-sustaining Peruvian Chinese churches. They will:

  • Live among the Chinese people, learning their language and culture before beginning formal ministry
  • Teach the Bible in formal and informal settings
  • Evangelize and disciple the Chinese people
  • Identify and equip discipled Chinese leaders to evangelize the Peruvian Chinese people, who are primarily an unreached Buddhist people group
  • Train Chinese church leaders to disciple believers in a life-on-life manner
  • Equip current and future church leaders with Biblical and practical leadership skills
  • Perform other field or agency duties as assigned


Suriname – Women’s Discipleship

This role is for women gifted in teaching, discipleship, organization, counseling, and mentoring. They will develop Surinamese women who are hungry for spiritual growth and encouragement. These women will then reproduce themselves in others by being examples of disciples of Christ. The goal is to establish a Women’s Ministry that may be duplicated in other locations where the need is great.

The Women’s Discipleship Worker is designed for flexible, relational, and team-oriented women. They will develop and model a discipleship ministry that can be multiplied among the women from various ethnic groups within the national churches in the city and suburbs of Suriname.

The ideal candidate is an experienced and authentic servant leader who can disciple believers and is compassionate and team-oriented. They will possess:

  • Christian Maturity: Evidence of Christ-like character with a humble and solid commitment to the spiritual disciplines (i.e., Bible reading and meditation, prayer, confession, fellowship, etc.).
  • Theological Knowledge and Experience: Has a strong biblical and theological basis (formal and informal) and can accurately interpret and apply the Scripture.
  • Interpersonal relations: Able to relate cross-culturally, work on a team, develop a healthy relationship with national churches, and bring women together for spiritual training and development.
  • Aptitude for Language Learning: Willingness and dedication to learn and become proficient in the language of the people.
  • Communication Skills: Communicate the gospel skillfully within the context of the culture and be able to teach interactively and relationally in its simplicity, whether one-to-one or in small groups.
  • Evangelism and Discipleship Experience: At least 1-2 years experience in evangelism and discipleship with the capacity to equip and support others in their calling to evangelize and make disciples.
  • Share the passion of living for Jesus, model a life of self-sacrifice and devotion to the Lord, and encourage and support others on their journey of faith with utmost care and affection.
  • Establish and maintain a solid relationship with local church leaders to mobilize potential women in their congregation for discipleship training.
  • Promote Biblical maturity and healthy Christian living among the women in their local churches and encourage them to be lifelong learners who will reproduce disciples.
  • Develop a relevant and practical discipleship program that will help develop character, sharpen skills, and increase knowledge in the discipleship process.
  • Engage, enlist, and develop a core group of faithful women who are capable of making and multiplying disciples.


Brazil – Technology Development Specialist

World Team Manaus’ vision is to cooperate with the local church in strengthening and multiplying indigenous churches and leaders in the city of Manaus and the surrounding region with the aim of encouraging, mentoring, training, and equipping indigenous church planters to serve in the greater Amazon region. 

The Technology Development Specialist will strive to see the gospel established in unengaged and unreached communities in the urban center of Manaus and the surrounding region by providing technical support, education, and tools to the ministry team, indigenous church leaders, and indigenous communities. 

The ideal candidate will have a mature walk with the Lord where they continually seek to grow in godliness, abide in Christ, and evangelize and make disciples within their current context. Ideal character traits for this candidate include flexibility, humility, patience, resiliency, interest in other cultures and peoples, and a genuine love for the lost.  

The ministry context involves working with populations (or communities) who have a history and current context of discrimination, marginalization, trauma, and extreme poverty, as well as pervasive spiritual warfare. Wisdom and spiritual maturity are vitally important to navigate these challenges. 

World Team highly values immersion into the local culture and context. Thus, the ideal candidate must be willing to work hard to learn the local language, worldviews, majority culture, and minority subcultures.

The ideal candidate qualifications are:

  • The ability to work on teams, be flexible and be a good team player
  • Creativity and ability to “think outside the box”
  • A heart for and desire to work with marginalized people groups
  • The ability to apply and adapt technological practices to new contexts
  • Biblical competency and theological training (formal or informal) with an ability to interpret and communicate Scripture
  • A willingness to learn new methods and an ability to adapt methods to different cultural contexts, with the purpose of equipping locals to do the same 
  • An aptitude to discern between cultural norms and Biblical truths and to address problematic theology in a culturally informed manner
  • Experience in developing user-friendly applications and websites
  • An interest in developing applications/websites for use in evangelism, discipleship, and training
  • An ability or desire to learn how to teach technological content and social media to teammates, local church leaders, and communities
  • Knowledge regarding computer and internet security and tech support
  • Some experience in social media and graphic design
  • An ability to develop and adjust content for oral cultures and low-literacy populations
  • An ability to suspend judgment and work in high levels of ambiguity
  • A strong knowledge of Microsoft Office applications
  • A willingness to learn a level of Portuguese appropriate to their term and responsibilities

The Technology Development Specialist will work on a team to provide mutual encouragement and accountability. They will:

  • Establish local relationships, share the gospel in culturally contextualized ways, and make disciples that make disciples
  • Identify disciples and connect them to other believers and a local church when possible (facilitating or creating opportunities as needed)
  • Promote maturity and healthy Christian living
  • Facilitate the training and equipping of local indigenous church leaders regarding the use of technological tools and supports
  • Provide technological support and training to teammates
  • Take part in field-level activities, including field retreats and conferences, regular business and prayer meetings, and other tasks as needed
  • Fulfill administrative requirements as a World Team missionary (may include reporting, bookkeeping, continuing education, professional development, etc.)
  • Develop interactive technological content and applications for the use of evangelism and discipleship among the indigenous (as skills apply)
  • Assist in team social media and graphic design (as skills apply)
  • Research changing trends regarding technology and its implications for church planting, rural Amazonia, and missions (as skills apply)
  • Build partnerships with local, national, and international churches and organizations already using tech in ministry in order to share resources (as skills apply)

Other Opportunities Might Include:

  • Research changing trends regarding technology and its implications for church planting, rural Amazonia, and missions.


Brazil – Evangelism and Discipleship

The Evangelism and Discipleship worker will spread the gospel among unreached, urban, indigenous people in the Amazon region by identifying and developing local leaders from among discipled believers. These equipped leaders will, in turn, establish and lead local churches in their communities with the goal of spreading the gospel to neighboring areas. This worker will also equip and mobilize indigenous believers who wish to pursue missions beyond the city of Manaus.

This position will work to see the gospel established in unengaged and under-reached communities in the urban center of Manaus and the surrounding region. They will evangelize, make disciples within an identified community, and work with local people to establish a healthy, multiplying local church with indigenous church leadership. The WTM worker will not become the local pastor but is significantly involved in the church-planting process, development, and equipping of local leaders with WTM and other local partners.

The ideal candidate has a mature walk with the Lord and is continually seeking to grow in godliness, abide in Christ, and is presently engaged in evangelizing and making disciples within their current context prior to joining the field.

Character traits for this worker include flexibility, humility, resilience, interest in other cultures and unreached people groups, and a genuine love for the lost. The ministry context involves those who are experiencing the effects of trauma, discrimination, marginalization, extreme poverty, and pervasive spiritual warfare. Wisdom and spiritual maturity are imperative to navigate these challenges.

World Team highly values immersion into the local culture and context, so the individual assigned must be willing to work hard to learn the local language, worldviews, majority culture, and minority subcultures.

The ideal candidate possesses:

  • Christian Maturity:  Humility and a mature Christian walk, with the ability to be highly relational
  • Theological Knowledge and Experience: Biblical and theological training (formal or informal) and ability to interpret Scripture
  • Communication Skills: The ability to faithfully and clearly communicate Scripture
  • An aptitude for Language Learning: Willingness to become proficient in an advanced level of Portuguese
  • Flexibility: The ability to customize methods for a distinct cultural context and a desire to equip locals to do the same
  • Discernment and Boldness: The ability to be open to and discern between cultural norms and biblical truths and to address problematic theology in a culturally aware manner.
  • Sensitivity and Insight: Experience with minority, migrant, marginalized, or otherwise vulnerable populations or willingness to learn about the unique challenges of these communities
  • Composure: The ability to suspend judgment and work in elevated levels of ambiguity
  • Evangelism and Discipleship Experience: At least 1-2 years of experience in evangelism and discipleship, with the capacity to equip and support others in their calling to evangelize and disciple

The Evangelism and Discipleship worker will collaborate with the team to provide mutual encouragement and accountability. As part of the Manaus Field, this role will participate in field-level activities, including retreats and conferences, regular business and prayer meetings, and other tasks as assigned. They will:

  • Establish and maintain local relationships
  • Share the gospel in culturally contextualized ways
  • Make disciples that make disciples
  • Identify disciples and connect them to other believers and, where possible, a local church, facilitating or creating opportunities as needed
  • Promote Biblical maturity and healthy, Christian living
  • Assist in the church-planting process
  • Train local, believing leadership in reproducible discipleship and evangelism methods


Brazil – Church Planting

The Church Planter will work to plant churches through positive, gospel-driven relationships with the indigenous peoples of the Amazonian city of Manaus. Learning Portuguese and acculturating to the local culture(s) will lead to opportunities to evangelize, disciple new believers, and train church leaders.

As part of a church-planting team, Church Planters in Brazil will faithfully teach the Bible and disciple new believers toward Christian maturity. In the process, the Church Planter will identify and equip leaders from among the discipled believers and will assist these indigenous leaders as they lead their own people in churches that they establish within their own communities.

This position requires a vibrant and dedicated spiritual life characterized by consistent practice of spiritual disciplines. The Church Planter will need to have a solid understanding of the Scriptures and be able to teach and clearly communicate the gospel in culturally relevant ways. Patience and dedication are necessary, as the Church Planter must learn to communicate effectively with these peoples and communities.

The ideal candidate will have:

  • An extensive understanding of the Bible
  • Two to Three (2-3) years of church leadership experience (preferred)
  • A background (formal or informal) in the studies of ecclesiology, missiology, theology
  • Experience with evangelism and discipleship
  • A willingness to commit at least five (5) or more years to the project
  • A humble heart and will be a team player, hungry to serve
  • An interest in other cultures and how to reach them with the gospel
  • A solid commitment to the spiritual disciplines (i.e., Bible reading, prayer, etc.)
  • Flexibility and adaptability
  • A willingness to learn Portuguese and become a fluent communicator in this language

The Church Planter will collaborate with a team to evangelize and disciple indigenous Brazilians in Manaus and will identify and equip servant-leaders to establish and lead healthy, self-sustaining churches. They will:

  • Live in the same city as these indigenous migrating people groups, learn about their culture, and grow in a proficiency level of Portuguese necessary for effective ministry.
  • Teach the Bible in formal and informal settings
  • Evangelize and disciple
  • Identify and equip indigenous disciples to evangelize their own people, training them to disciple new believers in a life-on-life manner
  • Continue to develop current and future church leaders with Biblical and practical leadership to establish healthy churches alongside indigenous church planters and teammates. With an apostolic mindset, they will prepare these churches to be led by local indigenous leaders. 
  • Engage in other field or agency duties as assigned


Brazil – Children’s Ministry Worker

The Children’s Ministry Worker supports the ministries of World Team Manaus, local ministry partners, local churches, and their leaders in developing effective ministries to serve children in their communities.

The Children’s Ministry Worker will initiate and/or expand outreach in the areas of evangelism and discipleship among children in the Amazon region through meaningful, replicable methods, working alongside national and indigenous believers where possible. Specific challenges to this role mirror those of any position serving communities marked by poverty, marginalization, discrimination, and the effects of trauma.

The Children’s Ministry Worker should have a desire to see individuals and communities transformed by the gospel and understand how service to children fits into that larger vision. He or she must be relational, creative, flexible, and a natural problem-solver. This individual should be a lifelong learner, willing to adapt to non-Western norms and approaches. He or she must also have the ability (or a willingness to learn) to work with children and equip others to do so.

Ideal Children’s Ministry Worker competencies are:

  • Mature Christian:  A Christ-like character with a listening heart that demonstrates a humble spirit
  • Theological: An understanding of basic Bible study skills and how to communicate biblical truths in simple language
  • Interpersonal Skills: Relational, flexible and an ability to work well on a team with both children and adults
  • Training and Development: Effective communication skills, willing to teach and learn from a variety of sources
  • Children’s Ministry Experience: 2-5 years of experience or training with children (preferred)
  • A willingness to learn an advanced level of Portuguese

The Children’s Ministry Worker will create and/or expand outreach to children in a variety of indigenous communities, partnering with local believers where possible. As part of the Manaus Field, this role will participate in field-level activities, including retreats and conferences, regular business and prayer meetings, and other tasks as needed.

Responsibilities will include:

  • Building trust and relationships with adults and children in the communities of service
  • Extensive observation and understanding of current children’s ministry efforts and the application of context-appropriate outreach methods and resources
  • Learning and gaining an understanding of the struggles and barriers children face within their communities
  • Outreach to children through evangelism and discipleship
  • Training and equipping strong, local believers who desire to work in children’s ministry
  • Developing outreach ideas in concert with local leadership to further engage the children in their communities
  • Recruiting, orienting, and integrating volunteers into children’s outreach opportunities
  • Ensuring that the World Team Child Safeguarding Policies are observed in all Children’s Ministry settings in culturally appropriate ways
  • Church planting and multiplication among urban indigenous people with the local team
  • Working collaboratively with the WTM team and ministry partners


Cambodia-Community Development

Use your skills and experience in agriculture, woodworking, and/or vocational work (electrician, plumbing, etc.) to make a positive impact on the spiritual and economic life of individuals and communities, both rural and urban. This position is available in multiple locations across Cambodia.

As part of a holistic church-planting team, this role will invest in the local community through training and developing skills in agriculture, woodworking, plumbing, electricity, and/or masonry while evangelizing and discipling nationals. This role is open in multiple locations across Cambodia and will vary from location to location. Additional vocational skills not mentioned above will be considered. 

The ideal candidate will have:

  • A certificate and/or work experience in the associated vocational field
  • A passion for teaching and training. The ability to lead and train nationals passionate in using vocational skills to reach their own people with the gospel
  • Strong discipleship and coaching skills are preferred
  • Develop and facilitate vocational training programs
  • Supervise and direct national staff (if applicable)
  • Manage budget
  • Gather investment for needed supplies
  • Manage inventory of supplies


Cambodia-Visual Media Artist

The Visual Media Artist will develop an innovative approach to reach others for Christ. This role will utilize videography, photography, writing and editing, and social media to create communication tools to help mobilize new workers for our church-planting teams and to increase missionary funding and prayer support for ministries in Cambodia. 

As part of a holistic church-planting team, this role will create communication tools and produce high-quality media to help expand and communicate opportunities for missionaries in Cambodia.

The ideal candidate will have:

  • a degree in visual media arts and/or previous work experience
  • A passion for teaching visual media arts
  • The ability to lead and train nationals passionate in using visual media arts to reach their own people with the gospel
  • Develop and facilitate visual media arts programs
  • Supervise and direct national staff (if applicable)
  • Manage budget
  • Gather investment for needed supplies
  • Manage inventory of supplies
