

Fields Ready for Harvest – There are 24 unreached people groups in the Guera that are all in close proximity of one another. Many of them suffer from a lack of clean water, health facilities, and education, issues that are pervasive throughout the country.

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Cameroon – Esimbi

People at the End of the Road – Fear is the unifying motivator that holds their communities together; the glue that binds and controls all the individuals of the society. Sadly, it permeates every aspect of their culture.

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UK – London

Serving Ethnic Minorities – Unreached, ethnic minorities abound in London. We praise God that He is working among these unreached peoples!

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A Whirlwind of Change – Spain is the land of festivals! In every city, town and village there is a fiesta of some kind which gets all the townsfolk out on the streets with their neighbors.

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Suriname – Hindustani

A Church within Walking Distance – The Hindustani, also known as East Indians, are of Indian decent and began arriving in Suriname in 1873 as indentured laborers. They were immediately put to work on the coffee, cocoa and sugar cane plantations.

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Suriname – Tribal

The Trio and Wayana Tribes – The Trio and Wayana live in the dense rainforests that cover most of the country. Access to the interior region is difficult and limited to boat and some air transportation.

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Trinidad and Tobago

Prioritizing the Unreached – Trinidad and Tobago is an island nation in the southern Caribbean just off the coast of Venezuela. As the name implies, the two principal islands which form this nation are Trinidad and Tobago.

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Muslim Ministry

God is Moving Among Muslims – The gospel is for every people group in the world without exception, since all are made in God’s image and are designed for relationship with Him.

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An Island of Change – Papua, once called Irian Jaya, is the eastern-most province of the Indonesian archipelago. Papua’s rugged jungle and swamp terrain is home to an incredible diversity of flora and exotic animals.

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Cameroon – Baka

Who are the Baka? – For the Baka, life centers around survival. As the logging industry changes the rainforest, their traditional lifestyle is harder and harder to maintain. The large game animals have retreated further into the dense forest as the hardwood trees whose fruit and shelter they depend on have been logged out.

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