

Germany is the most populous member of the European Union and has massive influence in Europe and on the global scene. It is geographically located in the center of the continent. As a major economic and political power, Germans have developed a very high standard of living. It is home to many influential philosophers, composers, scientists, and inventors; and is known for its rich cultural and political history.

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Chinese – Hidden People of Peru

Chinese – Hidden People in Peru – There are less than 1,000 believers among this first generation Chinese in Peru, and only two Chinese churches in Lima with about 150 worshippers on Sunday. Even at 1,000 believers, less than 1% of the Chinese population in Lima profess Christ. The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few!

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Middle East

Where Church History Began – Situated between Africa, Asia, and Europe, the Middle East has been a crossroads for traders, travelers, and empire builders for thousands of years. It is the birth place of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

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Italy – Milan

Hope for Milan – World Team has been church planting in Italy since the 1970s. Our team in the northern city of Milan uses creative methods to build bridges for the gospel, like park outreach events, art exhibitions, and children’s programs.

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A European Cultural Center – As the heart of the Roman Catholic Church and witness of the birth of Christendom, Italy has deep religious roots.

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A Field Ripe for Harvest – The Philippines is an archipelago of 7,100 tropical islands bounded by the Pacific Ocean on the east and the South China Sea on the west. The southern portion of the Philippines is largely Muslim while the middle lowland areas are primarily animistic Catholic.

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Philippines – Catanduanes

The Land of Howling Winds – Kidney-shaped Catanduanes is the twelfth largest island of the Philippines. Located on the country’s eastern most seaboard, Catanduanes is exposed to the Pacific Ocean and hit every year by powerful typhoons.

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Philippines – Human Trafficking

The Oppressed in our Midst – Human trafficking is a massive issue in our world today, enslaving nearly 30 million people globally. Statistics show that up to 10 million Filipino men, women, and children are exploited through sex trafficking and forced labor in this $40 billion-dollar industry.

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A Whirlwind of Change – Spain is the land of festivals! In every city, town and village there is a fiesta of some kind which gets all the townsfolk out on the streets with their neighbors.

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Suriname – Hindustani

A Church within Walking Distance – The Hindustani, also known as East Indians, are of Indian decent and began arriving in Suriname in 1873 as indentured laborers. They were immediately put to work on the coffee, cocoa and sugar cane plantations.

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