
South Asia

In many of the areas of South Asia, those that identify as Christian are fewer than 1%.  Many of those believers come from Hindu backgrounds, posing many cultural and language obstacles to reaching their Muslim neighbors. Yet in the last forty years, Muslim-background believers have multiplied from about a dozen to perhaps 10,000 today.

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Two Cultures, One Country – Ranked as the poorest European country, life is hard for most Moldovans. Communism and Orthodox Christianity offer little relief for people’s daily needs or hope for their future.

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Germany is the most populous member of the European Union and has massive influence in Europe and on the global scene. It is geographically located in the center of the continent. As a major economic and political power, Germans have developed a very high standard of living. It is home to many influential philosophers, composers, scientists, and inventors; and is known for its rich cultural and political history.

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Chinese – Hidden People of Peru

Chinese – Hidden People in Peru – There are less than 1,000 believers among this first generation Chinese in Peru, and only two Chinese churches in Lima with about 150 worshippers on Sunday. Even at 1,000 believers, less than 1% of the Chinese population in Lima profess Christ. The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few!

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Middle East

Where Church History Began – Situated between Africa, Asia, and Europe, the Middle East has been a crossroads for traders, travelers, and empire builders for thousands of years. It is the birth place of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

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Southeast Asia

Today, Southeast Asia is being deeply impacted by the transmigration of people within the area. Migrants represent a variety of ethnic groups and religious backgrounds, Islam being the largest.

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Cameroon – Kwakum

Hope for the Hopeless – Words that are vital for communicating the Gospel are missing in Kwakum, including grace, gift, and hope. This is as much a cultural phenomenon as it is linguistic. Most of the Kwakum people have never experienced these life-changing realities.

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Fields Ready for Harvest – There are 24 unreached people groups in the Guera that are all in close proximity of one another. Many of them suffer from a lack of clean water, health facilities, and education, issues that are pervasive throughout the country.

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Cameroon – Esimbi

People at the End of the Road – Fear is the unifying motivator that holds their communities together; the glue that binds and controls all the individuals of the society. Sadly, it permeates every aspect of their culture.

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UK – London

Serving Ethnic Minorities – Unreached, ethnic minorities abound in London. We praise God that He is working among these unreached peoples!

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