
Challenges and Objections to Missions

Article by Daniel Topf, PhD

It’s great to be passionate and excited about missions. Aspiring missionaries are often motivated by reaching people with the saving message of the gospel, obeying Jesus’s final words to his followers to make disciples of all nations, and participating in the glorious plan God has for this world. At the same time, people might also have reservations when it comes to getting involved in global missions today. It is important to address some of these concerns so that those considering missionary service as a vocation can develop the necessary strength and conviction to move forward. In the following, I list four common challenges and objections to missions while also suggesting a possible response.


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Acts of Faith – The INN 2024

Brian and Heather are the directors of The International Neighborhood Network, more commonly known as The INN. They have spent years reaching communities of immigrants in the United States, addressing their diverse needs with gospel-driven initiatives such as ESL classes, cross-cultural coaching, tutoring, and more. They shared with us how they got connected with this ministry and how the teams they lead impact lives with the gospel.

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Central Asia – The Uzbek

The Uzbeks are a Turkic people with a rich history throughout Central Asia. For them, to be Uzbek is to be Muslim. Their ethnic identity and religious identity are very intermingled. Uzbeks are a hospitable people who are always happy to share naan and tea with guests.

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Acts of Faith – Baka Ministry

Barry and Desma have been serving together in Cameroon for nearly two decades. They work among the Baka and are seeing the gospel impact on their community in exciting ways. They shared with us about their ministry, its challenges, and how God is reaching individuals where they serve.

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Why Is Paraguay a Mission Field?

The Significance of Diaspora Ministry in an Age of Global Migration

Article by Daniel Topf, PhD

World Team is in the process of expanding its missionary work into Ciudad del Este in Paraguay and, at first glance, it may not be that obvious why this Latin American country is such a priority when it comes to fulfilling the Great Commission. After all, one could argue, Latin America is a continent with a strong Roman Catholic identity and a growing number of evangelical churches. Operation World, for instance, reports that 6.3% of Paraguay’s population is evangelical, while Joshua Project counts 8.01% in this category.1


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In Brussels alone, nearly 800,000 Moroccan Muslims live without God’s hope, and the local church of only a few thousand needs international partners to reach them.

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The Triple Frontier region is ripe for the gospel. Several efforts in the region have been successful in reaching Muslims through language/culture classes and sports ministry. We pray that working in an unreached area within the region will see similar fruit. World Team will work with local believers in building relationships with Muslim neighbors, helping the diaspora acclimate to the culture alongside our workers.

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Acts of Faith – Haiti

Sean and Heather have been serving on the island country of Haiti for the last 12 years. Heather, an MK, has been a part of what is now World Team since 1972. Sean an Heather have raised four children on the field… and share their backgrounds, and the challenges and joys of serving in Haiti in this podcast.

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Cambodia – The Cham

Cambodia is a land of mighty rivers and monsoons in the rainy season, dry river beds, brittle brush, and parched rice fields in the dry season. It is a land of Buddhist temples, a struggling infrastructure, and a broken people who have little hope for the future. World Team has been working in Cambodia since 1996 to bring hope and healing through the establishment of reproducing churches throughout the country. While the church is growing, it is still shallow, requiring discipleship and leadership development.

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Manaus, Brazil

More than 100 people groups in Brazil have never heard the gospel, largely due to geography or policies which isolate them from the outside world. There is little to no evangelical presence working among this population. Locals refer to them as “the invisibles” or “hidden” people. World Team, in partnership with other like-minded agencies, is committed to reaching these migrant populations.

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