People Matter to God

God is at work in all of our lives meeting needs, drawing us closer to Him and equipping us for service. Holistic ministry is an avenue that allows World Team workers to share the mercy and grace God has shown them with others who do not know Him.

During Jesus’ life on earth, He ministered to the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of those He met. He loved people through miracles, teaching, and confrontation, all dependent on the specific needs of the moment.

Lynette, serving in Cambodia shares, “I am convinced that we serve an incredibly creative God. Therefore, if we are open to using the gifts, passions, and circumstances He has given us, then holistic ministry flows naturally. During our time on the field, we have attempted to observe the felt needs and desires of the communities around us. And, we sought ways to minister in the name of Jesus to meet those needs.

God has led us to begin a clean water project, a health club, and a teacher training program for nationals. Each has afforded opportunities to sow abundantly and live out the gospel.”

Dan and Heidi, ministering among the ultra-poor in the Philippines, believe that God loves the whole person and commands people to worship Him with their whole being and so they seek to minister to the whole person.

“We believe that poverty is about broken relationships – relationship with God, self, others, and His creation around us.  We want to share His compassion and the Good News of Jesus Christ as a beggar telling other beggars where to find the bread.”

God is at work in all of our lives meeting needs, drawing us closer to Him and equipping us for service. Holistic ministry is an avenue that allows World Team workers to share the mercy and grace God has shown them with others who do not know Him.
