Following Jesus’ Example with Church-Based Teams

World Team’s vision of church-based teams follows the pattern of Christ’s twelve disciples: training and commissioning leaders for ministry among the unreached people of the world. In a church-based team, World Team works in partnership with the church and the team that is doing cross-cultural ministry. 

One such relationship formed nearly two decades ago when Davisville Church began exploring the idea of sending a team to serve cross-culturally. Their lead pastor, Tim Wilson, shared with us what that experience was like. 

“The process started eighteen years ago,” he shared. “Missions had been part of what Davisville wanted to do. We embraced that financially and by sending missionaries, but few through our own church.”  

They wanted to work with a missions organization so that they could use their strengths as a church in collaboration with the experience of a well-established missionary agency. They
chose to send a team to Cambodia, and they chose World Team as their partner. 

The process of selecting a team was not easy. They knew that by sending strong members of their church out to serve in another country, it could feel like a loss. But over time, they found that sending the team ultimately strengthened the church.  

One of the goals for Davisville was to get members of the church involved in the process and open their eyes to the importance of global missions. They have been successful in doing that, as more than 70 people from the church have now visited Cambodia since they started the team. 

Pat and Jeannie were part of the initial team that was sent to Cambodia by Davisville Church. Though they had never considered long-term missions before, they were excited at the possibility. 

“We both are passionate about developing leaders, equipping them, seeing them use their natural passions and gifting,” said Jeannie. 

Jeannie mentioned the interdependence of the team, the church, and World Team as a real strength, and Davisville’s willingness to lean on World Team’s knowledge and expertise concerning key ministry decisions was vital to their team’s success. 

“They really just released us to field leadership,” said Pat, “and allowed us to find our path where God was leading us.” 

The church has played a large role in their ministry, though, especially in prayer and support.
“When you know that there are people praying for you, supporting you, willing to come and visit you, that is really encouraging and motivating,” said Jeannie. “We felt such support, and we also saw how it really encouraged members of the church to become more aware and actively involved in missions.”  

World Team helps guide and prepare churches to send teams to reach the unreached, sharing resources and deepening ties to local and global ministry within the church. Planting churches alongside World Team can be a blessing to your church and impact the nations. To learn more about church-based teams and how your church can be involved, go here!
