The INN: Gathering the Scattered in Houston

Motivated by the Gospel, we work to pursue, serve, befriend, and bless the diaspora community. As we build genuine relationships we engage in spiritual conversation, introduce the scriptures, and disciple and equip new believers with the goal for forming worshiping communities in Houston.

We are looking for teammates who are interested in expanding their worldview while putting their experience, education, or ministry skills to work on a church planting team. Do you love sharing your faith with others and welcoming people from different countries and backgrounds? Does your compassion for people move you to action? Join our holistic church planting team and help refugees, people seeking asylum, and others coming to the US find joy and new life in Christ.

Join The INN and use your skills, education, and spiritual gifts to serve the nations among us! Formal Bible training and an exposure to missiological principles is helpful, but not required.
- Mature Christian: Evidence Christ-like character with a humble spirit and a listening heart
- Theological Training: Formal training is beneficial, but not required
- Knowledge: Youth ministry, discipleship, and education concepts and methods
- Administrative and Logistical Skills: Develop and coordinate ministry schedules, manage volunteer assignments, and supervise day-to-day activities of youth, etc.
- Training and Development: Effective communication skills to provide training for children and youth locally and in conjunction with the local team
- Experience: 3- 5 years’ experience or training in Youth Ministry

- Outreach: Use your skills in ESL, the arts, literacy, teaching, and holistic ministry to build genuine relationship with our friends as they adapt to life in the US by sharing the love of Christ in word and deed
- Evangelism and Discipleship: Journey with your contacts through dynamic spiritual conversations, sharing the truths of scripture, and discipling them into an intentional, growing relationship with Christ
- Church planting: Be part of a team that desires to plant reproducing house churches in the local diaspora community
- Community Service: Serve local diaspora along with the team and local network through meeting felt needs and building genuine relationships