The INN: Metro Philly Coffee Shop

As we focus on reaching Arabic speakers and Muslims from the Middle East and North Africa, the coffee shop in Metro Philly provides an ideal setting for building relationships within the community. The coffee shop is also a good financial investment that we trust will help fund The INN’s ministry in Metro Philly, as well as ongoing ministry in the Middle East and North Africa.
We seek to engage refugees from around the globe and are looking for teammates with a heart gripped with God’s love for those who have not had access to the Truth.

Creating a comfortable environment where people can gather is key to developing trusting relationships that lead to spiritual engagement. Our two-story shop provides a peaceful setting for quiet, safe conversations. Holding up to fifty people, there is room to host culture discussions, ESL classes, Bible studies, and small group meetings. Through this engagement, our prayer is that many will come to faith in Christ, be discipled, and that a church will be nurtured and planted that will multiply in both the US and in the homelands of those we serve.
We are looking for new team members to join us! We are specifically looking for workers interested in living and serving in the greater Philadelphia area who will utilize the coffee shop to grow deep, spiritual relationships with our Arabic-speaking and Muslim neighbors.

Join the team and use your skills, passions, and spiritual gifts to create ministry opportunities to serve the nations among us! Formal Bible training and an exposure to missiological principles are helpful but not required.
- Mature Christian: People who love God, love people, and can maintain spiritual disciplines as they work with people resistant to the gospel
- Evangelism and Discipleship: Desire to share the gospel and disciple people from different world views, religions, and backgrounds
- Church Planting and Multiplication: Desire to participate in implementing creative church planting and multiplication strategies
- Team Player: Good interpersonal, listening, and communication skills, as well as the ability to work collaboratively on a team and within a local network
- Marketplace Worker: Desire to serve in a local coffee shop managed by The INN to build genuine relationships in the community
- Learner: A willingness to be part of a learning community dedicated to growing their skills, gifts, and abilities in church planting and multiplication while serving in a diaspora community

- Outreach: Use your skills in ESL, literacy, teaching, youth ministry, and holistic ministry to help our friends adapt to life in the US. Come and share the love of Christ in word and deed through our local coffee shop and build relationships with our new neighbors!
- Evangelism and Discipleship: Journey with your contacts through dynamic spiritual conversations, sharing the truths of scripture and discipling them into an intentional, growing relationship with Christ
- Church planting: Be part of a team that desires to plant reproducing house churches in the local diaspora community
- Community Service: Serve local diaspora along with the team and local network through meeting felt needs and building genuine relationships