Philippines-Church Planter among Informal Settlers (Squatters)

To establish and edify gospel-centered churches among informal settlers in an urban environment. Many of these people come from the province to the city seeking work and opportunities that are not available. The primary belief system is folk Catholicism that mixes animism and liberation theology.

Join an established team of national and Western church planters that live near and serves informal settlers, bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ through patient, relational ministry that seeks to raise up and equip local leaders. There is a church planting network established with the need of more workers to expand into unevangelized and unchurched areas.

  • A love for Christ and the church
  • Theological training
  • Humility
  • Willingness to commit long-term
  • Ability to cross-cultural barriers
  • Ability to work on a team
  • Strong relational skills
  • Faith in the power of the word of God
  • Experience in discipleship
  • A theology of suffering in working with the poor
  • Endurance rooted in abiding in Christ
  • Working on a team
  • Learning Tagalog and/or other appropriate language
  • Serving established churches
  • Developing and implementing entrance strategies for new communities
  • Making disciples and conducting Bible studies
  • Identifying and training leaders
  • Planting churches
  • Preaching and modeling pastoral behavior
  • Ongoing spiritual care and edification
  • Participate in team and field activities, including team meetings and the annual field conference
