Artist – France

The Artist position adds an exciting facet to the mission team and offers a creative and innovative approach to reach others for Christ. Music, drama, and the visual arts are instrumental in creating new channels for evangelism and discipleship. Photographers, sculptors, painters – imagine the impact you could have by putting together an exhibit in France!

As part of a church planting team in Paris, France, you will use your creative gifts and artistic skills to share the gospel and build relationships.

Ideal candidates are mature Christians who desire to share Christ with others using creativity, compassion, and the ability to think innovatively. They will have strong people skills and will live in the community with those they hope to reach while learning the language and culture as part of a holistic church planting team. They will have:
- Christian Maturity: Humility and a mature Christian walk, with the ability to be highly relational
- Aptitude for Language Learning: Willingness to become proficient in French
- Flexibility: The ability to customize methods for a distinct cultural context
- Creativity: Using one’s gifts as a way to build relationships in the community
- Evangelism and Discipleship Experience: At least 1-2 years’ experience in evangelism and discipleship

The Artist will collaborate with a team to evangelize and disciple unreached people groups and will identify and equip servant-leaders as they creatively use their gifts for ministry. They will:
- Live among and serve an unreached people group in France, learn about their culture, and become proficient in French before beginning formal ministry
- Teach the Bible in formal and informal settings
- Evangelize and disciple the people
- Identify and equip discipled leaders to evangelize their own people, training them to disciple new believers in a life-on-life manner
- Use their artistic gifts to engage the people, build relationships, and be a blessing to the community as a whole
- Perform other field or agency duties as assigned