Linguist-Translator Requirements and Scholarship
The following are required training that aspiring linguists and Bible translators must complete to serve with World Team.
Bible Knowledge (pre-field)
Personnel who will be involved in Bible translation are required to demonstrate knowledge and skills in the following three areas:
- basic knowledge of at least one biblical language
- ability to exegete the biblical text accurately
- knowledge of the historical and cultural background of the Bible
Normally, this will require a minimum of a BA in Bible or an equivalent combination of courses and self-study.
Basic Linguistic Courses (pre-field)
- Language and Society
- Phonetics
- Phonology I
- Grammar I
- Language Acquisition
- Cultural Anthropology
- Field Methods
Intermediate Linguistic & Translation Courses (may be taken after first term or on-field after language learning is complete)
- Semantics
- Phonology II
- Grammar II
- Principles of Literacy
- Translation & Exegesis
- Language Program Planning
Recommended Study Programs
A Certificate in Applied Linguistics and/or MA in Applied Linguistics for Translators at one of SIL’s training centers:
- Dallas International University (DIU) in Dallas, TX
- CanIL at Trinity Western University in British Columbia, Canada or Tyndale University in Toronto, Ontario
- BA in Applied Linguistics at Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, IL
- Other SIL training programs
M.Div. in Missions and Bible Translation at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. This program is offered in conjunction with DIU, with courses taken at both institutions.
For those specializing in Old Testament Translation, a great program for studying Hebrew is offered in Israel at Polis – The Jerusalem Institute of Languages and Humanities.
Ministry Opportunities
OT Exegete/Translation Advisor-Cameroon
Linguistics Training Scholarship (full tuition and books/materials)
World Team offers a Linguistics Training Scholarship for aspiring linguists and Bible translators to fulfill academic requirements at one of these two linguistic schools: Dallas International University or Canada Institute of Linguists.
To apply for the World Team Linguistics Training Scholarship, candidates must complete World Team’s candidate assessment week (RACE) and accept a ministry role with a World Team field as a linguist or Bible translator. Candidates must also be 100% financially supported and complete any pre-field requirements assigned before beginning the linguistics training program. Completing linguistics training would be the last task before going to the field.