

Acts of Faith – The INN / SAVANNAH

A special episode highlighting the work of The INN in Savannah, Georgia.

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Acts of Faith – Expansion

The INN is rapidly expanding its ministry in the United States. Hear from workers in Houston, Texas, and The INN’s director, Susan, as they share how God is working and growing The INN’s reach.

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Acts of Faith – Cameroon 2022

Dan and Lisa have been in Cameroon for the last 25 years. After years of being involved in a Bible translation project, Dan became field director in 2017. He has since become the area director for World Team Africa and Lisa has taken over the role of field director in Cameroon. In this episode Dan and Lisa share stories of how God is working in Cameroon, the creative teams that are bringing the gospel to the unreached, ways that you can be praying for world team Cameroon, and more.

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Acts of Faith – Fellowship / The INN

We are members of the International Neighborhood Network (INN), a ministry of World Team. The workers of the INN are church planters among people groups unreached by the Gospel of Jesus within the United States. Every day, we are challenged to merge our own culture with the cultures of the people we are called to love. Today we explore the Fellowship and how it is described in Acts as an intimate joint participation in life.

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Acts of Faith – Manaus

Kamron and Janet are serving among the unreached in the Brazilian city of Manaus. They work with local church leaders and believers to strengthen and multiply national churches, with the aim of equipping believers to plant even more churches throughout the region. 

We are excited to bring you this episode highlighting this emerging field in South America. You will hear Kamron and Janet share with us how God led them to Manaus, what the people and culture of Brazil are like, and how God has been working in the communities He has called them to serve.

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Acts of Faith – Discipling

In the Great Commission, Jesus called us to preach the Gospel to all creation and make disciples of all nations – a call that is the foundation for World Team’s church planting and discipleship work around the world.

That call to make disciples drives our missionaries to come alongside those that have a heart to share the gospel with others. Our workers take diverse but Biblically grounded approaches to disciple others who are following Christ and growing in their knowledge of him.

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Acts of Faith – The INN 2022

The International Neighborhood Network, better known as The INN, is a community of believers with a passion for serving those who have resettled in the U.S. from throughout the world due to war, poverty, and persecution. They seek to share the gospel and plant churches among these unreached diaspora communities.


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Act of Faith – Gatekeepers / The INN

In this special episode brought to us by The INN, three workers serving in the United States share what their experiences have been in building relationships with their Muslim friends and neighbors.

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Acts of Faith – Church Planting

Church Planting is synonymous with the missionary sending agency World Team… It has always been the biggest reason that their 300 plus workers do the work that they do in 28 countries. More than 61 thousand donations were made to World Team last year for the purpose of Planting churches. Why? What is so important about church planting?

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Acts of Faith – Central Asia

World Team’s passion and calling for reaching the unreached with the gospel means that many of our teams serve in closed countries with major restrictions on evangelism. Our guest on this episode serves in Central Asia among Muslim people and cannot use his real name or his specific location. The challenges he faces will compel you to pray, give, or even go.

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