

Acts of Faith – Central Asia

Larry and Catherine are World Teamers serving in Central Asia. Their ministry has been growing and evolving recently as they have added teammates and built relationships in their community. We caught up with them about how God is transforming not only their ministry, but the people of Central Asia.

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Acts of Faith – The INN / Arabic Speakers

Today, many of the same people groups we have been trying to reach with the gospel overseas are arriving here in the United States, opening up opportunities for those who are already accustomed to their culture and language to join in and lead ministry here in our own backyards. Several Arabic-speaking men serving with the INN were recently together for an event, and they took the time to share with us about their ministry journey and the unique nature of the work they are doing here in the US.

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Acts of Faith – World Team Foundation

World Team US board member Tom Pirrone and Executive Director Kevin Oessenich developed the idea of the World Team Foundation over years of conversations about the changing face of global missions. Now, in 2024, Tom and Kevin are launching the World Team Foundation to help provide resources to global missions, including the many ministries of World Team.

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Acts of Faith – The INN 2024

Brian and Heather are the directors of The International Neighborhood Network, more commonly known as The INN. They have spent years reaching communities of immigrants in the United States, addressing their diverse needs with gospel-driven initiatives such as ESL classes, cross-cultural coaching, tutoring, and more. They shared with us how they got connected with this ministry and how the teams they lead impact lives with the gospel.

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Acts of Faith – Reliance on Prayer

Jerry and Carolyn have served with World Team for many years, taking on various roles in Europe and Australia. We spoke with them about one of our guiding principles: Reliance on prayer. They reflected on what prayer has meant to them and shared encouraging stories about the effect prayer has had on their ministries.

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Acts of Faith – Baka Ministry

Barry and Desma have been serving together in Cameroon for nearly two decades. They work among the Baka and are seeing the gospel impact on their community in exciting ways. They shared with us about their ministry, its challenges, and how God is reaching individuals where they serve.

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Acts Of Faith – New Direction

Brian and Jen were missionaries in the Middle East for nearly a decade before the doors to continuing ministry were closed. In this episode of Acts of Faith, we hear from them about their experiences over the past nine years and how they are handling this period of uncertainty and shifting direction.

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Acts of Faith – Global Expansion

Hear from Pat, Liz, and Susan as they share about the newest ministries being launched across the globe by World Team!

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Acts of Faith – Central Asia (2023)

Larry and his family are serving with World Team in Central Asia. Last summer, he shared with us the hope and potential for vibrant ministry where he and his family are serving. In the year since, their ministry and their team have grown. They have been able to devote more time to learning the language and deepening relationships in their community.

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AOF – Preah Vihear province of Cambodia

The work being done in the Preah Vihear province of Cambodia is a textbook example of World Team’s commitment to educating, training, and discipling national believers. Through dorm ministry, internships, and Bible school, we see God work in countless Cambodian nationals’ lives. Jim, Carolyn, and Chelsea each play a unique role in these ministries.

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