Expanding Outreach in Spain

Tim and Paula are successful World Team church planters in Spain. They joined World Team to go to a place where people have little chance of hearing the gospel.

We praise God that World Team workers are currently planting over 96 churches around the world. And, with the goal of planting churches that reproduce through equipping and training national leaders, we pray that these churches will multiply over and over.

Tim and Paula are successful World Team church planters. They joined World Team to follow the dream that God had placed on their heart—to go to a place where people have little chance of hearing the gospel.

In 1999 they moved to the city of Cáceres to join a small team of missionaries working in one of the least evangelized areas of Spain. Today, they provide training and assistance to the church they helped plant. Their goal of seeing this church initiate another church plant in a city where there is no evangelical presence is becoming a reality.

They value training. They seek to train others to do ministry so that their efforts might multiply and that the national church would not become dependent on missionary help. They value interdependence. They believe that it takes all kinds of people with all kinds of gifts working together to take the message of Christ to all corners of Spain.

They value ‘thinking beyond’. Believing that God has asked them to step out in faith, they think and dream beyond –because they know that God is bigger than what they can even imagine.

Because World Team has been planting churches that multiply for over 100 years, our workers are well trained for the task.

World Team serves among unreached peoples, those people groups that have less than 2% evangelical believers. We praise the Lord that through World Team’s workers, donors and prayer partners, we are ‘bearing much fruit.’ Together we are having an amazing impact –all to the glory of God!

Watch the 2017 video about the church-planting ministry to the Unreached People Groups of Spain.
