Ukraine Refugee Relief
An update from a missionary on the field serving with the Ukraine Refugees:
Dear Friends,
Since many refugees are dispersed throughout our country, we decided to best serve 18 families in two local villages. This became our Adopt-a-Village program; these families total 42 Ukrainians, some with older parents and all with children.
Yesterday, was our second time serving and we served 10 moms and children in our adopted village that are staying with 8 host families. It was an opportunity to share the Gospel, to let them know Christians are praying and giving to assist them. (We wanted to make sure that they knew it was not the local government that was giving financially.)
Together with a local church planter family, we had an evening dessert and gave food gift bags, toiletries, and a free Rummage sale for clothing. Each Ukrainian mother and host family also received a financial gift.