The Impact of Prayer in France

In June of 2021, World Team France held their annual Paris Prayer Connection, a prayer conference where they invite others to learn about and pray for the many ministries in which our workers are involved.

Jerry and Carolyn joined us on our latest episode of the Acts of Faith podcast to share a bit about the team dynamics in France and what to expect from the Paris Prayer Connection.

“World Team’s core values are to reach, invest, equip, and release,” said Carolyn. “When our workers in France get up each morning, they’re looking to do one, two, or maybe three of those things each day.”

“Every time that French man or woman comes to Christ, it’s really a miracle”

This leads to a lot of outreach and making connections with others in the community. As they develop relationships with people, they invest in them by inviting them to Bible studies and small group gatherings. 

As people come to Christ, they are then equipped to share the Gospel with others in their community. Some of these French believers then join our teams in ministry.

“All of our church planting teams have people who are not just full-time missionaries, but are local people who are involved and want to be part of having a community of believers that gather together.”

From June 14th to 18th, World Team France held their annual Paris Prayer Connection. This year, the conference will be held entirely online via Zoom. The conference is a time for people to pray and learn about ministry in Paris.

“One of the main parts of the Paris Prayer Connection is about learning,” shared Jerry. “It’s what you learn about what God is doing in France and what God can do in you and through you to have an impact in France.”

The Paris Prayer Connection started nearly two decades ago, and it has had an impact on ministry in France in both tangible and intangible ways. 

“There was one couple who came to visit us after attending the Paris Prayer connection, shared Carolyn. “[They] pulled out a notebook from three or four years previous, and he went over each of the prayer requests that he had marked down. As he asked about how each one had turned out, they were all answers to prayer that God had brought about as a result of the Paris Prayer Connection.”

Jerry added a reminder that prayer is integral to bringing people to Christ. He shared a story of a man who had just been walking end enjoying nature and suddenly felt thankful for the creation surrounding him. The man, who had been an atheist, realized that he was thankful to God for His creation.

Watch an Acts Of Faith podcast featuring Jerry and Carolyn.
