Compass: An Opportunity to Receive Hands-on Training for the Mission Field
Written by Article by Emily Thomas / Director of Compass
Written by Emily Thomas, Director of Compass
When you hear the phrase, ‘Life on the mission field,’ what comes to mind? Maybe you think, ‘That sounds like a blast!’ or ‘I could never uproot my life and move to another country!‘ or ‘I am not prepared to engage a culture that I know almost nothing about—including the language!’ At World Team, we recognize that there is a lot to know before you go to the field. To get started, the most important question potential workers can ask themselves is –Am I called to missions?
“In Compass, you will be challenged to look past preconceived ideas about ministry
and missions as you participate in innovative ministry strategies to reach unreached diaspora settling in US cities.”
For many young adults, discerning a call to missions can feel daunting—we know this is a significant, life-altering decision! That is where our training initiative, Compass, comes in.
Compass takes place within the context of the INN (the International Neighborhood Network), which is World Team’s diaspora ministry in the United States. In Compass, we invite you to walk alongside experienced missionaries and mission leaders as you explore your fit in the Great Commission. You will become part of a learning community where you will grow with others who desire to have a deeper, richer, biblical foundation for life and missions, and you will put that knowledge into practice through practical ministry training and opportunities.

As you grow and develop in the Compass experience, you will begin to discover or rediscover ways God has gifted you personally and how you can bring your gifts and abilities to a team. Do you have a desire to work with children or young adults? Do you enjoy administrative tasks? Are you a leader? Do you have a background in medical care, counseling, or ESOL (English to Speakers of Other Languages)? These are just a few areas where you can explore your fit and leverage your educational background and interests for the kingdom.
In Compass, you will be challenged to look past preconceived ideas about ministry and missions as you participate in innovative ministry strategies to reach unreached diaspora settling in US cities. Your ministry to the unreached will be under the direction of an existing team of church planters who will provide you with hands-on, team-based ministry opportunities.
Your day will start with training in biblical and practical ministry studies and then move into hands-on training and implementation of the principles you just learned. For example, this might mean coming together over a cup of milk tea in the home of our resettled friends and engaging them with the gospel or gathering at a park or coffee shop to develop relationships with unreached people in your community. You can also expect to be mentored by the Compass Director, who will invite you to grow and develop in your own spiritual life, as well as in your ability to serve the unreached around you.
World Team currently invites Compass workers to join the INN: Savannah for up to 8 months, which would provide the most robust Compass training and discipleship experience. However, we know that for some, a gap semester is what works best. We have designed Compass to run on a 4, 6, or 8-month schedule. We will work to find the best fit for you!
Ready to explore your fit in missions? Begin the process with us by filling out an interest form via the Connect button below: