Prayer Team Bulletin

As one of our guiding principles, our reliance on prayer informs how we carry out our mission of church planting. We invite you as friends and supporters of the mission to join us in prayer for these topics:

This Month

Conference in Indonesia

Praise God for the commitment shown to the Great Commission by the evangelical church in Indonesia. Pray for good outcomes from their recently held conference and for an emphasis on missions to pervade the denomination going forward.

College Students Serving in Costa Rica

Some college students were able to travel to Costa Rica recently to work with one of the Latin American Initiative's partners. They were able to share the gospel in a variety of locations, including prisons and schools. Pray for them as they discern God's plan for their futures, and praise God for their willingness to serve.

Women's health event in Cambodia

Give praise for the turnout at a women's health screening event held by Mercy Medical Center in Cambodia. 168 women showed up for the screenings! Pray that the women who attended will continue to care for their health and be open to hearing the gospel.

Day camps in Central Asia

Pray for Christian day camps that are being held this summer in Central Asia. Pray that God will protect these camps from any interference, and for strength and wisdom for the leaders as they try to start spiritual conversations with the kids.

Children's event in France

Praise God for a good turnout for the children's event we prayed for last month. Most of the kids who were invited showed up for a time of crafts, games, and snacks; they all got to hear a message about who God is. Pray that the gospel would take hold in each of these kids.

World Team Golf Classic

Pray for the planning and coordination of this fall's World Team Golf Classic. Golfers and sponsors alike are needed to make this event a reality. Ask God to draw in the right people to make this a successful fundraising and awareness event for World Team's ministries.

Candidate Assessment

World Team US has missionary candidates being assessed through our RACE assessment school this summer. Pray for the assessors and candidates as they seek God's guidance on the missionary candidates' fit with World Team. This can be a stressful and anxious time; pray that God would calm their nerves and remind them that he is the one in control.

Workers from WT Australia

Several workers are joining teams in France and Central Asia in the coming months, and others are working on raising funds to begin ministry. Pray for each of them in their varied points in their ministry journey. Pray for strength and encouragement from God as they move forward.

Translation Needs in Cameroon

Praise God for a wonderful dedication service for the Esimbi New Testament last month. Pray for the reach of this translation to be great. Pray also for Bible translators to take up the mantle among people groups that do not yet have the Bible in their language and clear direction which people groups should be prioritized for Bible translation.

Financial needs for The INN

Praise the Lord for providing finances for many outreach opportunities with The INN over the past year. The financial need is still great for various conferences and outreach trips are scheduled for this summer. Pray for this need to be filled and for encouragement for those raising support for ministry and projects while living and serving in the US.