
Prayer is Vital to Global Missions…
Prayer for global missions changes our hearts as we learn more about the world and rejoice in lives changed by the gospel. Thank you for caring enough about prayer to reach this page! May you grow in faith and joy as you partner with us in praying for the nations.

Specific Ways to Pray
- Join us in praying for our missionary families, new believers, and the work of planting new churches among unreached people groups.
- Form a prayer group that meets regularly. Use the monthly prayer calendar as well as updates you receive from missionaries you know personally to form a prayer team that consistently and routinely blesses our ministry.
- Take a different kind of mission trip and pray on-site at one of our field prayer conferences. Locations vary each year – contact us for details!
- Pray for missionaries, specifically that God will continue to make us aware of the needs of the people we serve and how to most effectively reach them with the Good News.
- Pray for the world—that God’s glory will be known among the unreached, the suffering, the poor, and the persecuted.
This Month
Fulbe believers in Cameroon
Pray for the Fulbe believers who will be leading in their community going forward. Pray that they will continue on with what they do know, using the resources they have, to raise up the next generation in the light of Christ
Research trip in Africa
Praise God for a successful trip last month to explore a potential new ministry field in Africa. Pray for committed workers to come long-term in various roles to support the ministry of a small, but growing church there.
Student seeking answers in Taiwan
Pray for a young man who recently returned to Bible study in Taiwan. He is asking questions about faith and expressing interest in studying the Bible again. Pray that God will work in his heart and lead him to faith in Christ.
Church team trip to Cambodia
Give thanks for a team from the US that visited Cambodia recently and their encouragement to our workers there. Pray for the impact on the lives of the church team that came to learn and understand, to encourage and pray, and to see God at work in Cambodia.
March RACE
World Team is hosting its weeklong candidate assessment school this month. Pray for strength and encouragement for the prospective workers who are attending and the assessors and staff who are involved. Ask God to provide clarity about the attendees' potential fit within World Team's ministries.
Worker starting in Central Asia
Pray for a new worker in Central Asia who recently arrived to start language learning and ministry. Pray for them as they search for a place to live and settle in to cross-cultural life.
Workers returning from home assignment
Several workers are returning to their fields of ministry after spending time in the United States this winter. Pray for them as they transition back to life in their adopted cultures and reconnect with their communities.
International Director Search
Pray for the International Director Search Team as they interview candidates. Pray for the search team leadership as they facilitate the work of this team towards the selection of God’s choice for ID.
Research trip in Cambodia
Pray for follow-up work to a research trip conducted in Cambodia in February for potential work among a diaspora community there. Pray for those involved as they analyze the trip and draft a possible entry plan.
Seeking Christ in France
Praise God that after months of Bible study by a young man in France, our workers got to hear his testimony as he shared it with another Christ seeker. Pray for each of them to continue to be drawn closer to God.
Last Month
Exploratory trip in Africa
Pray for a team of workers who are exploring a potentially new field for ministry in Africa. Pray for wisdom, discernment, insight, and understanding as they visit and evaluate this location.
Esimbi New Testament dedication
A second dedication of the Esimbi New Testament will be held this month in Cameroon. This celebration will be even larger than the one held last June. Pray for safety and protection for the people and that many would come to get their own copy of the New Testament.
Kids' club in France
Continue to pray for a kids club being started in Paris. Their Christmas gathering was well-attended and has led to more conversations with parents. Pray that these meetings will continue to grow and the kids and their parents will continue to be interested in the gospel.
Lesson planning in Taiwan
Pray for our team in Taiwan as they take the opportunity while students are on break to plan Bible study lessons for when they return. Pray that they will be prepared for the questions the students will ask, and pray for the students as they return in mid-February.
Baptisms in Cambodia
Praise God for the recent baptisms of ten house church members in Cambodia. Pray that they will continue to be guided by the Holy Spirit and keep following Christ.
Church leaders in Suriname
Our workers in Suriname ask that you pray for God’s leading as they continue to train and develop church
leaders. Pray that God will use the present and potential leaders who are being trained to make disciples and grow the church.
International Director search
Pray for the World Team Global Alliance search team as they continue to seek God's direction for the selection of the next International Director.
Appointees raising support
Pray for our appointees who are raising financial support and preparing to start cross-cultural ministry. Ask God to help them make connections with those who can help them reach their support goals.
Church planting training
A team met last month to work on developing content for church planting workshops for World Team appointees. Praise God for this time of training and fellowship, and pray that the impact of these church planting lessons will be great.
March RACE
Our next candidate assessment school will be held next month. Pray for each of the prospective workers as they prepare for this week-long exploration of their fit with World Team. Pray for the assessors and host families as they make preparations as well.