Prayer is Vital to Global Missions…
Prayer for global missions changes our hearts as we learn more about the world and rejoice in lives changed by the gospel. Thank you for caring enough about prayer to reach this page! May you grow in faith and joy as you partner with us in praying for the nations.
Specific Ways to Pray
- Join us in praying for our missionary families, new believers, and the work of planting new churches among unreached people groups.
- Form a prayer group that meets regularly. Use the monthly prayer calendar as well as updates you receive from missionaries you know personally to form a prayer team that consistently and routinely blesses our ministry.
- Take a different kind of mission trip and pray on-site at one of our field prayer conferences. Locations vary each year – contact us for details!
- Pray for missionaries, specifically that God will continue to make us aware of the needs of the people we serve and how to most effectively reach them with the Good News.
- Pray for the world—that God’s glory will be known among the unreached, the suffering, the poor, and the persecuted.
This Month
World Team at CROSS CON
World Team's missions coaches will be attending CROSS CON January 2-4 in Louisville, KY. Pray for the team as they make connections with potential workers and promote the ministries of our teams across the globe. Pray that God will stir a passion for missions in the hearts of those attending the conference.
Church expanding in Cuba
Pray for a church in Cuba that is looking to expand. They have a need for workers as well as houses whose titles can be transferred to the denomination. Pray for guidance as they navigate these hurdles and reach out to potential workers.
Pastor in Brazil
Pray for a pastor in Brazil as he leads his church, shepherding and discipling its members through trials. Give thanks for a successful trip to share the gospel with a new community. Pray that the trip will bear fruit within that community.
Spiritual health in Peru
Pray that our workers in Peru will be reminded of God's promises and not be deterred by difficulties. Pray for their spiritual health as they move forward in their ministry.
Opportunities to share the gospel in Paraguay
Pray for the team in Paraguay as they establish their ministry. Ask God to provide divine appointments to share the gospel with those in their community. Pray also for believers there to become aware of their responsibility to share the gospel with others.
Coach training workshop
Pray for a coach training workshop within World Team being held this month. The training occurs over five sessions - pray for the planning and coordination of these sessions and for those who attend to grow in their leadership and coaching abilities through these sessions.
Need for workers in Africa
Pray that God will send more workers to World Team's ministries in Cameroon and Chad. There are needs for church planters, leadership trainers, pioneer missionaries, and more. Pray that God will bring in the right people for these growing ministries.
Former students in Cambodia
Praise God that all students at Plas Prai in Cambodia passed their senior exams and seven former students have completed training for hosting a youth camp - the first to be hosted entirely by Cambodians. Pray for these former students as they engage in ministry and grow in their relationships with God.
Typhoon recovery in the Philippines
Pray for the people of Caramoan after a typhoon hit the island and destroyed many of their homes. Pray that God would give them peace as well as the resources needed to repair the damage to their homes. Pray that they would see his love through this difficult time.
Relationships in Central Asia
Our workers continue to make connections and build relationships in Central Asia. Pray for the locals that they are sharing the truth of the gospel with to know Christ as their savior. Pray for the team to find strength and unity through Christ as they bring on new members in the coming months.
Last Month
Baka Training Center in Cameroon
The Baka training center in Cameroon has expanded the number of agricultural fields planted, and a fishpond is also in the works. Pray for wisdom during interactions with non-Baka neighbors and for effective discipling of training center workers and church leaders. Pray also that the training center will become self-sustaining.
New Believers in Central Asia
Pray for two people who have recently accepted Christ as their savior in Central Asia. One of them has been able to do some outreach and encourage other believers. The other has moved away from the town they were in after facing pressure to renounce their faith. Pray for each of these individuals as they navigate challenges and grow in their faith.
Needs at School in Indonesia
Pray for the spiritual growth of students at Hillcrest School in Indonesia, as well as the school's search for a new director and more teachers. Pray that God will lead the right people to these job opportunities.
Pastoral Needs in Cuba
Lift in prayer the many LPN pastors in Cuba who are ministering to those with physical needs. Ask the Lord to give them the words to convey that the only true hope is found in Jesus. Keep asking the Lord to raise a new generation of pastors who can serve in the many churches whose pastors have left the country recently.
National Church Leaders in Suriname
Pray for the spiritual development of national church leaders with whom our workers in Suriname are partnering. Pray that the mentoring and equipping being done will help them to effectively shepherd and make disciples.
Suriname Believers Looking to Serve Overseas
A group of 20 believers from the jungles of Suriname want to go overseas to spread the gospel but have been asked to hold off at this time. Pray that God will open a door for them to go for a period of at least three months in the near future.
New Ministry in Cambodia
Praise God that he has made it clear to workers who recently returned to Cambodia to open up a new ministry location to continue the task of making disciples among the least reached and to invest in developing local leaders. Pray for them as they make plans for starting this ministry to train local believers to join them.
35 in '24
Continue to pray for World Team's goal of adding 35 workers in 2024. There has been a tremendous response from our community to this initiative. Pray that meaningful conversations will be had with those interested in joining ministry as we enter the final weeks of this year.
Christmas Celebrations
Pray for all of the Christmas celebrations and gatherings that will be held this month across the globe. The Christmas season is a wonderful opportunity for outreach in our communities - pray for direction and encouragement for each of our workers who play a role in these outreach events.
God's Faithfulness in 2024
Praise God for all the ways he has used World Team to further his kingdom this year. Give praise for the many people around the world who have supported our ministries and initiatives throughout 2024, and pray that he will continue to use us to bring the least-reached to him in 2025 and beyond.